Campbell Scientific now offers the LW110, a comprehensive lightning warning system. The LW110 continuously monitors local electric field for a 5 to 7 mile radius, and automatically triggers visual and audible alarms when there is potential for lightning. Because warnings are based on measurements of electric field, instead of prior strikes, the system can detect lightning danger before strikes have occurred.

By measuring the electric field at your location, the LW110 removes the guesswork from critical decisions, such as when to seek shelter as a storm approaches and when it’s safe to resume activities as a storm passes.

The heart of the new LW110 Lightning Warning System is Campbell Scientific's CS110 Electric Field Monitor. This innovative instrument measures atmospheric electric field using a reciprocating shutter that has minimal maintenance and better performance than the traditional rotating vane field mill.

To provide visual and audible alarms, the LW110 includes either the RA100 Strobe and Siren Alarm or the RA110 Remote Alarm System. The RA100 consists of red, amber, and blue strobes and a siren. The RA110 is similar to the RA100, but it can be installed several miles from the electric field monitor.

The LW110 can be customized to fit your project’s specific requirements while retaining its turn-key functionality. Several mounting, power supply, and communication options are available. The LW110 can also include the SG000 Strike Guard Lightning Sensor to monitor actual lightning strikes as far as 20 miles away. Furthermore, the addition of meteorological sensors allows one LW110 to serve as both a standard weather station and a lightning warning system.

A variety of applications can benefit from the LW110 Lightning Warning System. Outdoor spectator events such as ball games, golf tours, and soccer matches can use this system to protect players and fans. Public swimming pools and other outdoor venues can also benefit.

Additionally, the system is ideal for industrial facilities. Personnel working in exposed locations or facilities dealing with explosives or fuels can take protective measures when warned of lightning danger. The LW110 can then trigger its alarm to indicate when the danger has passed, allowing work to recommence as soon as possible.
