Campbell Scientific is dedicated to continually improving our products in order to better meet our customers’ needs and to keep pace with changes in technology. These improvements are particularly evident when looking at enhancements added to our datalogger operating systems over the years. These are some of the great new features available with the upgrade from OS 24 to OS 25:

  • Enhanced diagnostics for Campbell wireless sensor networks (CWSNs)
  • Support for memory expansion with compact flash cards larger than 2 GB
  • Support for the new NL240 Wi-Fi interface

For a detailed list of features added from OS 24 to OS 25, please visit

New features have increased the size of OS 25 so that CR800 and CR1000 dataloggers manufactured before September 2007 (those with 2 MB of SRAM) will have to be directly connected to a PC running Device Configuration Utility to load the larger OS.* If you have a 2 MB datalogger and remote OS download is necessary (i.e., need to use TCP/IP), you can have your 2 MB datalogger updated to 4 MB. For details and pricing on the OS 25 memory upgrade, contact your local Campbell Scientific office.

* All CR3000 dataloggers have 4 MB of SRAM and will accept direct or remote downloads of OS 25. CR800s with serial numbers greater than 3605 and CR1000s with serial numbers greater than 11832 have 4 MB SRAM and will accept direct or remote downloads of OS 25.
