センサ / 積雪水量/積雪深センサ


測定範囲 分解能 正確度 動作温度範囲

SnowVue 10

0.4 ~ 10 m (1.3 ~ 32.8 フィート) センサーからの距離 0.1 mm
  • 精度仕様は、センサと平らな固体ターゲット間の温度が均一な静止空気の場合です。空気の動き、音波経路に沿った温度勾配、雪の密度、実際の温度と測定温度の差が精度に影響する可能性があります。外部温度補正が必要です。
  • ターゲットまでの距離の 0.2%
-45° ~ +50°C


0.5 ~ 10 m (1.6 ~ 32.8 フィート) 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) ±1 cm (0.4 インチ) またはターゲットまでの距離の 0.4% (いずれか大きい方)。 外部温度補正が必要です。 -45° ~ +50°C


10 m 未満 (< 32.8 ft) 1 mm ±3 mm -40 ~ +50°C


測定範囲 分解能 正確度 動作温度範囲


0.5 ~ 10 m (1.6 ~ 32.8 フィート) 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) ±1 cm (0.4 インチ) またはターゲットまでの距離の 0.4% (いずれか大きい方)。 -45° ~ +50°C


0.5 ~ 10 m (1.6 ~ 32.8 フィート) 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) ±1 cm (0.4 インチ) またはターゲットまでの距離の 0.4% (いずれか大きい方)。 外部温度補正が必要です。 -45° ~ +50°C


0.5 ~ 10 m (1.6 ~ 32.8 フィート) 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) ±1 cm (0.4 インチ) またはターゲットまでの距離の 0.4% (いずれか大きい方)。 -45° ~ +50°C



積雪水量/積雪深センサに関するよくある質問の数: 4


  1. すべてのセンサにキャリブレーション シートが付属しているわけではありません。キャリブレーションシートが付属している場合は、センサの製品 Web ページの「Ship With」セクションに記載されているか、注文時に指定されます。

  2. Whenever possible, purchase a sensor with the desired cable length. Some sensors have a user-specified cable length, whereas other sensors have a set cable length.

    Sometimes, an old cable can be replaced with a new, longer cable.

    Generally, additional cable cannot be spliced onto the existing cable because:  

    • Some sensor cables have bridge completion resistors at the pigtail end
    • Some sensors are calibrated based on cable length
    • Sometimes the color in the insulation is not the same as that visible at the pigtail end
    • It is possible to introduce errors or malfunctions depending on the integrity of the splice

    Splicing cable together increases the likelihood that water may enter the cable and cause shorting, corrosion, and some other potential issues, which in turn can cause measurement issues.

    Because of the potential issues, do not splice any sensor cable without first contacting Campbell Scientific to discuss the sensor in detail.

  3. Sometimes, an old cable can be replaced with a new, shorter cable.

    Sometimes, an existing cable can be shortened by cutting the ends off. However, there are a few issues that could be encountered when doing this:

    • Some sensors have bridge completion resistors at the pigtail end.
    • Some sensors are calibrated to length.
    • Sometimes the color in the insulation may not be the same as that visible at the pigtail end.

    Because of the potential issues, do not cut the ends off any sensor cable without first contacting Campbell Scientific to discuss the sensor in detail.

  4. Many times, but not always, a sensor’s cable can be replaced with a new cable. This is helpful if the original cable was damaged or if its length needs to be changed.

    If the cable is attached to the sensor using a connector, Campbell Scientific will sell a replacement cable. For example, a 05106CBL-L is a replacement cable for a 05106-L. Replacement cables are listed in the “Replacement Parts” section of the Ordering information area of the product page.

    If the cable is attached to a sensor through a user-accessible terminal block, a raw cable can be purchased to replace it. For example, to replace the cable on a 05103-L Wind Monitor, order the desired length of pn 972124 AWG 3 Twisted Pair Shielded Santoprene Cable. As another example, the raw cable for a TE525-L Rain Gage is pn 966122 AWG 1 Twisted Pair Shielded Santoprene Cable.

    If the cable is an integral part of the sensor, the cable cannot be user replaced, and the sensor must be returned to Campbell Scientific. Some examples of sensors that fall into this category include the 107-L, 109SS-L, 229-L, CS547A-L, and CS650-L. For the process of returning equipment to Campbell Scientific, refer to the Repair and Calibration page.

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