How to Find and Insert Characters Using a Keyboard Display

by Janet Albers | 更新日: 05/29/2015 | コメント: 0




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A keyboard display, such as the external CR1000KD or on-board display of the CR850 and CR3000, is a powerful tool you can use in the field. A keyboard display enables you to interrogate and program a data logger independent of other telecommunication links.

Most keys on a keyboard display have characters printed in blue above the key, such as “WXY.”

datalogger keyboard display

The following instruction sets should help you find and use the characters (such as the @ symbol) that you need.

To enter a character:
  1. Press the Shift key one to three times to select the position of the character shown above the key for the character you want.
  2. Press the character key.

For example, to enter Y, press the Shift key three times, then press the PgDn key.

To insert a space (Spc):
  1. Press the Shift key.
  2. Press the BkSpc key.

To change case (Cap):
  1. Press the Shift key twice. 
  2. Press the BkSpc key. Notice the letters in the upper-right corner of the screen toggle between all caps (ABC) and all lower case (abc).

To insert a character not printed on the keyboard:
  1. Press the Ins key.
  2. Using the arrow keys, scroll up or down to the specific character that you want.
  3. Press the Enter key.

For example, to enter the @ symbol, press the Ins key, press the down or up arrow key until the @ symbol is shown, then press the Enter key.

More Information

Want to learn more? Search for “keyboard display” in your data logger manual. You’ll discover that you can customize your keyboard menus to simplify routine operations such as viewing specific data, toggling controls, or entering notes.

To learn more about custom menus, leave a comment with your question.



janet albers Janet Albers, now retired, was a Senior Technical Writer. She enjoyed sharing tips, simplifying concepts, and guiding our clients to a successful project. She had been with Campbell Scientific, Inc. longer than the CR1000, but not quite as long as the CR10X. After work hours, Janet enjoyed the outdoors with her boys and dogs.



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