This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: CR300,CR310.
CR216 Datalogger with 2.4 GHz Spread-Spectrum Radio
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


The CR216 datalogger combines an on-board 2.4 GHz spread-spectrum radio with the functionality of the CR200 Datalogger. The CR216 provides both measurement and communication capability in a small, rugged package.

The CR216's input channel configuration and small size is optimal for measuring one or two sensors. When paired with an ENC200 enclosure and the small 16869 battery, the packaged CR216 has a deployment size of only 6 inches by 7 inches. If an alternate spread-spectrum radio is required, see our CR206 and CR211 dataloggers.


  • Ideal where only a few sensors will be measured
  • Replaces the CR215 Datalogger



-NOTE- Note: Additional specifications are listed in the CR200-Series Specifications Sheet.
Internal Radio Operating Frequency Range 2.450 to 2.482 GHz
Program Storage 6 KB program storage (non-volatile)
Data Format Table based
Data Logger Operating System (OS) PakBus
Software Support Short Cut, PC400, or LoggerNet


Campbell Scientific’s SDM devices and multiplexers are not supported.

The CR216 cannot make differential measurements and is not compatible with thermocouples, our geographic position sensor, fuel moisture/temperature probe, and soil heat flux sensors. However, it can measure a variety of sensors including SDI-12 sensors and 4 to 20 mA sensors. Our CS625 Reflectometer, 109 Thermistor, and CS15 Electric Current Sensor were specifically developed for our CR200-series dataloggers. Other compatible sensors include wind sets, tipping buckets, and barometers. For a complete list of compatible sensors, see the CR200-series brochure.

The CR216 can communicate with a PC via direct connect, NL100 Ethernet interface, MD485 multidrop modem, and digital cellular modems. Data can be viewed on the CD295 DataView II display or a PDA (PConnect or PConnectCE software required). 

The CR216's internal spread spectrum radio can transmit data to other CR216 loggers or RF416 spread spectrum radios. Certain CR216 settings must match the RF416 settings for communications between the data logger and radio to be successful. The factory default settings of these devices do not match; therefore, they must be reconfigured before communications can take place. Refer to the following application note for more information.

Quick Reference Guide for Setting Up RF401-to-CR206 Communications

If the CR216 is in the transparent mode, it can communicate with the retired CR215 loggers or RF415 radios.

Applications with minimal power requirements can use the ENC200 enclosure to house the data logger and the #16869 sealed rechargeable battery. The ENC200 cannot house a barometer or a battery that is larger than the #16869. However, an ENC10/12 or ENC12/14 enclosure is adequate for most CR216-based systems.

Power Supplies
When connected to the on-board charging circuit, the sealed rechargeable battery should be 7 Ahr or smaller. Using larger batteries with the data logger's built-in charger may result in excessive PC board heating. This is especially a concern when the battery is deeply discharged or failing with a shorted cell. Campbell Scientific also recommends that solar panels be 10 W or less and wall chargers be 1 A or smaller.

Compatible software

  • Short Cut
  • PC200W
  • PC400 (version 1.0 or higher)
  • LoggerNet (version 2.1 or higher)
  • PConnect (version 3.0 or higher)
  • PConnectCE (version 2.0 or higher)
  • VisualWeather (version 2.0 or higher)

Before March 2005, a CD was shipped with PakCom PC software and PakBus ActiveX (OCX). Effective, 3 March 2005, our DevConfig, PC200W, and Short Cut packages began to include support for the CR200-series dataloggers. These programs are available for download from our website or are on our ResourceCD.


CR200 Default OS v.10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Default operating system loaded into the datalogger at the factory.  Also included is the Compiler and CRBasic Editor support files for the CR2xx dataloggers.

Use of this file will update the datalogger compiler and CRBasic Editor support files.

Includes: ETo, WindVector, LoggerIdentify
Excludes: GOES Instructions, SDI12Sensor, SerialInput, MODBUS Instructions, SendData


CR200 MODBUS OS v.10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Special operating system that supports ModBus communication and SDI-12 sensors .  Also included is the Compiler and CRBasic Editor support files for the CR2xx dataloggers.

Use of this file will update the datalogger compiler and CRBasic Editor support files.

Note: Not to be used with the CR200X series.

Includes: MODBUS Instructions, SDI12Sensor, WindVector
Excludes: GOES Instructions, SerialInput, ETO, SendData, & LoggerIdentify

CR200 Serial Input OS v.10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Special operating system that supports serial sensors, SDI-12 sensors, and sending data to another PakBus device.  Also included is the Compiler and CRBasic Editor support files for the CR2xx dataloggers.

Use of this file will update the datalogger compiler and CRBasic Editor support files.

Includes: SerialInput, SendData, SDI12Sensor, WindVector
Excludes: GOES Instructions, ETo, MODBUS Instructions, LoggerIdentify


CR216に関するよくある質問の数: 1

  1. 実用的な最大値は、データロガーの 2 つのCターミナルごとに 1 つのマルチプレクサを接続することです。Cターミナルをマルチプレクサ間で共有して、接続するマルチプレクサの数を増やすことができます。ただし、ターミナルを共有するには、より複雑な配線とプログラミングが必要です。2 つのCターミナルごとに 1 つ以上のマルチプレクサを接続したいユーザーは、Campbell Scientific の営業またはサポート エンジニアに問い合わせて支援を受けることをお勧めします。


スペインのカタルーニャにある農業栄養研究技術研究所のジョアン・ジローナ博士は、灌漑と果樹の水分と栄養の必要性を研究しています。最近の研究では、成長と果実生産の問題を分析するために、光合成有効放射(PAR)の吸収を測定したいと考えていました。果樹からの蒸散と果樹園全体の蒸発散は、樹冠による太陽放射の吸収と密接に関連しているため、この研究は研究者がこれらのプロセスをより正確に測定するのに役立つでしょう。測定を多く行うほど、ジローナ博士の結果はより真実味を帯びるため、博士は必要なデータを正確に取得するためにいくつかの方法を試しました。まず、果樹の周りの地面のさまざまな場所に32個のセンサーのネットワークを設置し、さまざまな角度から来る光を測定しました。ジローナ博士と彼の研究仲間は、太陽の動きを適切にモデル化するためには値が互いに離れすぎていることを発見しました。この種のネットワークで十分な測定を行うには、1,200 個以上のセンサーと、関連するデータ ロガーおよびマルチプレクサが必要になりますが、利用可能なリソースでは不可能です。非常に多くのポイントから測定を行う方法について考えた結果、測定エリア内でセンサーを正確かつ迅速に移動させる方法を思いつきました。彼らは、Apogee の全天日射計と Campbell Scientific のデータ ロガーという機器を小型の模型列車に取り付け、果樹園の木々の周囲の広いエリアをカバーするように注意深く敷設された線路でシステムを稼働させました。線路に沿って数インチごとに金属マーカーを配置し、列車の電磁検出器がこれらのマーカーを感知して、各ポイントで測定を行うようにデータ ロガーに信号を送りました。Girona 博士は Campbell Scientific の CR800 と......続きを読む

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