Kipp & Zonen 製のCNR4 は Campbell Scientific データロガー向けにケーブル接続された研究グレードの放射収支計で、下向き放射と上向き放射のエネルギーバランスを測定します。当社のデータロガーは CNR4 の出力を測定します。この放射収支計は、サイエンスグレードのエネルギーバランス研究のための専門的なソリューションを提供します。
続きを読むセンサ | サーモパイル日射計 2 台、日射計 2 台、Pt100 RTD、サーミスタ |
測定の説明 | 短波および長波の入射および出射放射を測定 |
応答時間 | < 18 秒 |
感度の温度依存性 | < 4% (-10°~+40°C) |
感度 | 5 ~ 20 μV W-1 m2 |
非直線性 | < 1% |
傾斜誤差 | < 1% |
方向誤差 |
< 20 W m-2 (日射計) 1000 W/m2のビーム放射で最大80°の角度 |
動作温度範囲 | -40° ~ +80°C |
コンプライアンス | CE ガイドライン 89/336/EEC 73/23/EEC に準拠 |
高さ | 6.6 cm (2.6 in.) ドーム間 |
幅 | 11.1 cm (4.4 in.) |
長さ |
重量 | 850 g (30.0 oz) ケーブル除く |
日射計 |
測定範囲 |
1 日合計の不確実性 |
出力範囲 |
注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。
製品 | 互換性 | 注意 |
CR1000 (リタイア) | CR1000 を使用する場合、CNR4 の内部温度は内部サーミスタで測定する必要があります。 | |
CR3000 (リタイア) | ||
CR6 | ||
CR800 (リタイア) | ||
CR850 (リタイア) |
放射成分を測定するために、4 つの差動チャネルまたは 4 つのシングルエンドチャンネルが使用されます。サーミスタを測定するには、電圧励起チャンネルと追加のシングルエンド チャンネルが必要です。 RTD を使用して温度補償測定を行う場合は、電流励起チャンネル (CR3000 および CR5000 でのみ使用可能) と差動チャンネルが必要です。
CR1000X program measures the CNR4 and controls the CNF4 heater/ventilator based on environmental conditions, and monitors the CNF4 tachometer. The program uses an EE181 temperature and relative humidity sensor and a 03002 Wind Sentry to provide the measurements for determining when to turn the fan and heater on and off. An A21REL-12 relay switches power to the CNF4.
CR1000X program that uses differential terminals to measure the four radiation outputs and one excitation terminal and one single-ended terminal to measure the thermistor. The program measures the sensors every 1 second, performs the online processing of the data, and stores processed data to a data table called cnr4_data once every 60 minutes. It also stores the raw time-series data from CNR4 to data table called cnr4_ts.
CR3000 program measures the Pt-100 sensor for the body temperature of the CNR4. This program requires four differential channels to measure the four radiation outputs, one current excitation channel, and one differential channel for Pt-100 measurement. It measures the sensors every 1 second, performs the online processing of the data, and stores the processed data to a data table called cnr4_data once every 60 minutes. It also stores the raw time-series data from CNR4 to data table called cnr4_ts.
CNR4-Lに関するよくある質問の数: 11
Yes. The signal from this sensor is not great enough to compensate for its dissipation because of the cable length.
As of June 2013, all of our current and retired net radiation sensors can be mounted using this kit. These include:
Only one 4WPB100 is needed to measure the internal PRT in the radiometer.
Mount the net radiometer so that no shadow will be cast on it at any time of day from obstructions such as trees, buildings, the mast, or the structure on which it is mounted.
Campbell Scientific recommends installing a net radiometer in an open area, away from the main weather station structure on a separate vertical mast. If it is necessary to install this sensor on the main tall tower (30 ft or taller), the sensor should be installed at the top of the tower. In the northern hemisphere, the sensor should be facing south. In the southern hemisphere, the sensor should be facing north. If the tower uses a solar power system (that is, solar panels), ensure that the solar panels are installed away from the main tower.
The CR1000 requires a 4WPB100 to measure the internal PRT. (Data loggers such as the CR3000 and CR5000 have the necessary PRT bridge module built in to measure the PRT.) Note that the CNR4-L also includes an internal thermistor, which can be directly measured by the CR1000. Because of this, when using a CR1000, Campbell Scientific typically recommends monitoring the internal temperature of the CNR4-L using its internal thermistor instead of the PRT.
すべてのセンサに異なるケーブル終端オプションがあるわけではありません。特定のセンサで利用可能なオプションは、センサ製品ページの注文情報エリアの 2 つの場所で確認できます。
ケーブル終端オプション リスト
センサが –ET、–ETM、–LC、–LQ、または –QD バージョンで提供されている場合、そのオプションが利用可能かどうかはセンサモデル番号に反映されます。たとえば、034B は 034B-ET、034B-ETM、034B-LC、034B-LQ、および 034B-QD として提供されています。
その他のすべてのケーブル終端オプション (利用可能な場合) は、センサ製品ページの注文情報エリアの「ケーブル終端オプション」の下にリストされています。たとえば、034B-L 風力発電セットは、034B-L 製品ページの注文情報エリアに示されているように、–CWS、–PT、および –PW オプションで提供されています。
注意: 新しい製品が在庫に追加されると、通常は複数のモデル番号を作成するのではなく、1 つのセンサモデルの下に複数のケーブル終端オプションをリストします。たとえば、HC2S3-L には、HC2S3-LC モデルではなく、CS110 に接続するための –C ケーブル終端オプションがあります。
Most Campbell Scientific sensors are available as an –L, which indicates a user-specified cable length. If a sensor is listed as an –LX model (where “X” is some other character), that sensor’s cable has a user-specified length, but it terminates with a specific connector for a unique system:
If a sensor does not have an –L or other –LX designation after the main model number, the sensor has a set cable length. The cable length is listed at the end of the Description field in the product’s Ordering information. For example, the 034B-ET model has a description of “Met One Wind Set for ET Station, 67 inch Cable.” Products with a set cable length terminate, as a default, with pigtails.
If a cable terminates with a special connector for a unique system, the end of the model number designates which system. For example, the 034B-ET model designates the sensor as a 034B for an ET107 system.
Many Campbell Scientific sensors are available with different cable termination options. These options include the following:
Note: The availability of cable termination options varies by sensor. For example, sensors may have none, two, or several options to choose from. If a desired option is not listed for a specific sensor, contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.
Because of the loss of IR radiation, nearly all thermopile instruments typically have a negative offset. This offset is most easily visible at night-time, when a small negative value is read instead of zero. This same offset is present during the daytime, but it is not as visible because of the large solar signal.
Another common issue involves leveling an instrument. Leveling a thermopile instrument can cause errors in the direct beam component because the cosine response is not correct. These errors are more notable when the sun is close to the horizon because the angle is so shallow.
Technically, because albedo is the fraction of the sun’s radiation reflected from a surface, albedo cannot be quantified at night.
When calculating albedo, it is important to remember that when radiation readings are very low, there is a significantly large error associated with the ratio. For example, as the sun drops to a lower position on the horizon, the ratio of reflected and incoming radiation becomes somewhat meaningless.
Albedo can be calculated from the simultaneous incoming and reflected pyranometer readings, with the average stored. Both of these pyranometer signals should be in a differential input mode.
In principle, two negative values could result in a night-time albedo of 0.5.
Because of the input resolution, noise, and offsets of the data logger used, it is highly unlikely that any individual pyranometer reading is exactly zero. Depending upon the configuration used, any positive irradiation values recorded by the data logger as less than 2 W/m2 may, actually, be less than zero.
If an upper pyranometer reading, a lower pyranometer reading, or both is/are less than 2 W/m2, the albedo value should be described as “undefined” or “invalid.”
Another approach is to just not calculate albedo when the flux values get small. For example, set a cut-off point for the minimum flux value that will be used in albedo calculations.
If solar position is being calculated, one other approach is to use a solar position calculation, such as 1° above the horizon.
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