計測範囲 | 0.15 ~ 200 A (0.15 ~ 125 A CR200Xの場合) |
周波数 | 50 , 60 Hz |
絶縁抵抗 | 100 MΩ (@ 500 Vdc) |
ハイポテンシャル | 2000 V |
定格電流 | 200 A, 125 A (CR200X) |
正確度 | 通常、提供された乗数による実際の値の±1% (最大負荷10Ω[抵抗]) |
乗数 | iMult=200 A/1000 mV=0.2 |
動作温度範囲 | -25° ~ +55°C |
保管温度範囲 | -25° ~ +70°C |
ケース素材 | ポリプロピレン樹脂 |
設計 | エポキシ樹脂で封入 |
内径 | 1.9 cm (0.75 in.) |
外径 | 4.8 cm (1.89 in.) |
高さ | 1.7 cm (0.67 in.) |
CS11-Lに関するよくある質問の数: 5
The following are some of the features of the CS11-L:
Connect the red wire to ground rather than its normal location on the CR200(X).
Not directly. If the CS11-L is connected to a data logger, the data logger can take the ac measurement and control a solid-state relay based on some threshold within the data logger program. The solid-state relay can then control other relays, solenoids, or motor starters. (Use of a solid-state relay is preferred because the data logger can trigger it with a small 5 Vdc mA signal.)
Yes. Three CS11-L sensors can be connected to a data logger to measure the amperage on each of three phases.
No. The CS11-L is an ac-only sensor.
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