測定項目 | 土壌電気伝導率 (EC)、比誘電率、体積水分含有量 (VWC)、土壌温度 |
必要なシステム | 測定システム |
土壌適合性 | 短いロッドは硬い土壌に簡単に設置できます。電気伝導率の高い土壌に適しています。 |
ロッド | 交換不可 |
センサ | 互換性なし |
感知範囲 | 3600 cm3 (各プローブ ロッドの周囲半径約 7.5 cm、ロッドの端から 4.5 cm) |
電磁 | CE準拠 (静電気放電およびサージに対する保護に関する EN61326 要件を満たしています。) |
動作温度範囲 | -50° ~ +70°C |
センサ出力 | SDI-12; シリアル RS-232 |
ウォームアップ時間 | 3 秒 |
測定時間 | 測定に 3 ミリ秒、SDI-12 コマンドの完了に 600 ミリ秒 |
電源要件 | 6 ~ 18 Vdc (12 Vdc で 45 mA を供給できる必要があります。) |
最大ケーブル長 | 610 m (2000 フィート) 同じデータロガーのCポートに接続された最大 25 個のセンサの合計長さ |
ロッド間隔 | 32 mm (1.3 in.) |
侵入保護等級 | IP68 |
ロッド直径 | 3.2 mm (0.13 in.) |
ロッド長さ | 120 mm (4.7 in.) |
プローブヘッド寸法 | 85 x 63 x 18 mm (3.3 x 2.5 x 0.7 in.) |
ケーブル重量 | 35 g / メートル (0.38 oz / ft) |
プローブ重量 | 240 g (8.5 oz) ケーブル除く |
消費電流 |
アクティブ (3 ms) |
静止 | 135 µA (通常) (@ 12 Vdc) |
EC |
溶液 EC の範囲 | 0 ~ 8 dS/m |
バルク EC の範囲 | 0 ~ 8 dS/m |
正確度 | ±(読み取り値の5% + 0.05 dS/m) |
精密度 | BECの0.5% |
比誘電率 |
範囲 | 1 ~ 81 |
正確度 |
精密度 | < 0.02 |
体積含水率 |
範囲 | 0~100% (M4 コマンド使用時) |
水分含有量の正確度 |
精密度 | < 0.05% |
地温 |
範囲 | -50° ~ +70°C |
分解能 | 0.001°C |
正確度 |
精密度 | ±0.02°C |
注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。
製品 | 互換性 | 注意 |
CR1000 (リタイア) | ||
CR1000X (リタイア) | ||
CR300 (リタイア) | ||
CR3000 (リタイア) | ||
CR310 | ||
CR350 | ||
CR6 | ||
CR800 (リタイア) | ||
CR850 (リタイア) |
外部 RF ソースはプローブの動作に影響を与える可能性があります。したがって、プローブは、AC 電源ラインやモータなどの重要な RF ソースから離れた場所に設置する必要があります。
標準データロガー SDI-12 「M」 コマンドを使用する場合、複数の CS655 プローブを 4インチ以内に設置できます。SDI-12「M」コマンドでは、一度に有効にできるプローブは1つだけです。
Current CS650 and CS655 firmware.
Note: The Device Configuration Utility and A200 Sensor-to-PC Interface are required to upload the included firmware to the sensor.
CS655に関するよくある質問の数: 55
The bulk electrical conductivity (EC) measurement is made along the sensor rods, and it is an average reading of EC over that distance at whatever depth the rods are placed.
Campbell Scientific strongly discourages shortening the sensor’s rods. The electronics in the sensor head have been optimized to work with the 12 cm long rods. Shortening these rods will change the period average. Consequently, the equations in the firmware will become invalid and give inaccurate readings.
No. The equation used to determine volumetric water content in the firmware for the CS650 and the CS655 is the Topp et al. (1980) equation, which works for a wide range of mineral soils but not necessarily for artificial soils that typically have high organic matter content and high clay content. In this type of soil, the standard equations in the firmware will overestimate water content.
When using a CS650 or a CS655 in artificial soil, it is best to perform a soil-specific calibration. For details on performing a soil-specific calibration, refer to “The Water Content Reflectometer Method for Measuring Volumetric Water Content” section in the CS650/CS655 manual. A linear or quadratic equation that relates period average to volumetric water content will work well.
The volumetric water content reading is the average water content over the length of the sensor’s rods.
Probably not. The principle that makes these sensors work is that liquid water has a dielectric permittivity of close to 80, while soil solid particles have a dielectric permittivity of approximately 3 to 6. Because the permittivity of water is over an order of magnitude higher than that of soil solids, water content has a significant impact on the overall bulk dielectric permittivity of the soil. When the soil becomes very dry, that impact is minimized, and it becomes difficult for the sensor to detect small amounts of water. In air dry soil, there is residual water that does not respond to an electric field in the same way as it does when there is enough water to flow among soil pores. Residual water content can range from approximately 0.03 in coarse soils to approximately 0.25 in clay. In the natural environment, water contents below 0.05 indicate that the soil is as dry as it is likely to get. Very small changes in water content will likely cause a change in the sensor period average and permittivity readings, but, to interpret those changes, a very careful calibration using temperature compensation would need to be performed.
Because the reported volumetric water content reading is an average taken along the entire length of the rods, the sensor should be fully inserted into the soil. Otherwise, the reading will be the average of both the air and the soil, which will lead to an underestimation of water content. If the sensor rods are too long to go all the way into the soil, Campbell Scientific recommends inserting the rods at an angle until they are fully covered by soil.
Campbell Scientific does not recommend splicing sensor cables. Sensors may be ordered with custom cable lengths, and Campbell Scientific recommends purchasing the correct length for the application. If the sensor cable needs to be lengthened, a junction box (if practical) is a more favorable option than a splice.
Note: A splice will void the sensor warranty, but a junction box does not modify the sensor and therefore does not void the warranty.
No. The principle that makes these sensors work is that liquid water has a dielectric permittivity of close to 80, while soil solid particles have a dielectric permittivity of approximately 3 to 6. Gasoline and other hydrocarbons have dielectric permittivities in the same range as soil particles, which essentially make them invisible to the CS650 and the CS655.
The permittivity of saturated sediments in a stream bed is expected to read somewhere between 25 and 42, while the permittivity of water is close to 80. A CS650 or CS655 installed in saturated sediments could be used to monitor sediment erosion. If the permittivity continuously increases beyond the initial saturated reading, this is an indication that sediment around the sensor rods has eroded and been replaced with water. A calibration could be performed that relates permittivity to the depth of the rods still in the sediment.
The CS650 and the CS655 are not ideal sensors for measuring water level. However, these sensors do respond to the abrupt change in permittivity at the air/water interface. A calibration could be performed to relate the period average or permittivity reading to the distance along the sensor rods where the air/water interface is located. From that, the water level can be determined. The permittivity of water is temperature dependent, so a temperature correction would be needed to acquire accurate results.
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