Hukseflux 社製の HFP01 は、通常、エネルギーバランスまたはボーエン比フラックスシステム用の土壌熱流束を測定します。周囲の媒体の熱流束に比例する電圧信号を出力します。空間平均化を行うには、サイトごとに少なくとも 2 つのセンサが必要です。異質な媒体があるサイトでは、追加のセンサが必要になる場合があります。
続きを読む注意: エネルギーバランス設置では、穴を埋め戻す前にすべてのセンサを土壌面に完全に挿入する必要があります。
センサタイプ | サーモパイル |
感度 | 50 μV W-1 m-2 (名目) |
公称抵抗 | 2 Ω |
温度範囲 | -30° ~ +70°C |
センサー熱抵抗 | < 6.25 x 10-3 K m2 W-1 |
測定範囲 | ±2000 W m-2 |
予想される標準精度 | 一般的な土壌で -15% ~ +5% 以内 (合計12時間) |
プレート直径 | 80 mm (3.15 in.) |
プレート厚さ | 5 mm (0.20 in.) |
重量 | 200 g (7.05 oz) ケーブル除く |
HFP01-Lに関するよくある質問の数: 10
Yes, however, care must be taken to ensure a water-tight splice, such as by using an adhesive-lined heat shrink to cover the splice. This is important because splicing cable together increases the likelihood that water may enter the cable and cause shorting, corrosion, and some other potential issues, which can cause measurement issues.
Because of the potential issues, do not splice any sensor cable without first contacting Campbell Scientific to discuss the sensor in detail.
It depends on the sign convention used to describe heat flux through the wall. Heat flux that enters the red face and exits the blue face of the HFP01-L results in a positive analog output or positive heat. If the plate is already installed and it is desirable to use the opposite sign convention, change the sign of the multiplier to make it a negative value.
The information included on a calibration sheet differs with each sensor. For some sensors, the sheet contains coefficients necessary to program a data logger. For other sensors, the calibration sheet is a pass/fail report.
すべてのセンサに異なるケーブル終端オプションがあるわけではありません。特定のセンサで利用可能なオプションは、センサ製品ページの注文情報エリアの 2 つの場所で確認できます。
ケーブル終端オプション リスト
センサが –ET、–ETM、–LC、–LQ、または –QD バージョンで提供されている場合、そのオプションが利用可能かどうかはセンサモデル番号に反映されます。たとえば、034B は 034B-ET、034B-ETM、034B-LC、034B-LQ、および 034B-QD として提供されています。
その他のすべてのケーブル終端オプション (利用可能な場合) は、センサ製品ページの注文情報エリアの「ケーブル終端オプション」の下にリストされています。たとえば、034B-L 風力発電セットは、034B-L 製品ページの注文情報エリアに示されているように、–CWS、–PT、および –PW オプションで提供されています。
注意: 新しい製品が在庫に追加されると、通常は複数のモデル番号を作成するのではなく、1 つのセンサモデルの下に複数のケーブル終端オプションをリストします。たとえば、HC2S3-L には、HC2S3-LC モデルではなく、CS110 に接続するための –C ケーブル終端オプションがあります。
Most Campbell Scientific sensors are available as an –L, which indicates a user-specified cable length. If a sensor is listed as an –LX model (where “X” is some other character), that sensor’s cable has a user-specified length, but it terminates with a specific connector for a unique system:
If a sensor does not have an –L or other –LX designation after the main model number, the sensor has a set cable length. The cable length is listed at the end of the Description field in the product’s Ordering information. For example, the 034B-ET model has a description of “Met One Wind Set for ET Station, 67 inch Cable.” Products with a set cable length terminate, as a default, with pigtails.
If a cable terminates with a special connector for a unique system, the end of the model number designates which system. For example, the 034B-ET model designates the sensor as a 034B for an ET107 system.
The HFP01-L uses a thermopile to measure flux across the plate. The output of a thermopile is proportional to the temperature gradient across the thermopile. The HFP01-L nominal calibration is 20 W m-2 /mV. The HFP01-L output voltage will depend on the temperature gradient (flux) across the plate.
This depends on the information contained in the calibration sheet:
Many Campbell Scientific sensors are available with different cable termination options. These options include the following:
Note: The availability of cable termination options varies by sensor. For example, sensors may have none, two, or several options to choose from. If a desired option is not listed for a specific sensor, contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.
Because of the loss of IR radiation, nearly all thermopile instruments typically have a negative offset. This offset is most easily visible at night-time, when a small negative value is read instead of zero. This same offset is present during the daytime, but it is not as visible because of the large solar signal.
Another common issue involves leveling an instrument. Leveling a thermopile instrument can cause errors in the direct beam component because the cosine response is not correct. These errors are more notable when the sun is close to the horizon because the angle is so shallow.
To incorporate a sensor that is compatible with wireless sensor interfaces into a wireless network, a CWS900-series wireless sensor interface is needed, as well as an A205 CWS-to-PC interface to configure it.
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