This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: SDM-AO4A.
SDM-AO4 Analog Output Module
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


The SDM-AO4 is a synchronous device for measurement (SDM) that provides four analog outputs. Values in the data logger are transferred to the SDM-AO4 as digital values. The SDM-AO4 then performs a digital-to-analog conversion and outputs an analog voltage signal.



  • Expands data logger current/voltage output capability
  • Supports proportional control or strip charts



The SDM-AO4 provides four independent, continuous, analog outputs for proportional control or driving strip charts. Measured or processed values in the data logger are scaled to millivolts and transferred to the SDM-AO4 as digital values. The SDM-AO4 then performs a digital to analog conversion and outputs an analog voltage signal. The output voltage level is maintained until updated by the data logger.

SDM Operation

The data logger enables individual modules through an addressing scheme; multiple SDMs (in any combination) can be connected to one data logger. After a module is enabled, it operates independently of the data logger until additional commands are received or results are transmitted.


Analog Output Range ±5000 mV
Analog Output Resolution 2.5 mV
Output Resistance 200 ohm
Accuracy ±(0.5% of l Vout l +5 mV) for loads 75 kohm or greater
Operating Voltage 9.6 to 16 Vdc
Typical Current Drain 10.5 mA
Output Current < 0.125 mA
Minimum Load 75000 ohm


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。

Data Loggers

製品 互換性 注意
21X (リタイア)
CR10 (リタイア)
CR1000 (リタイア)
CR10X (リタイア)
CR200X (リタイア)
CR206X (リタイア)
CR211X (リタイア)
CR216X (リタイア)
CR23X (リタイア)
CR295X (リタイア)
CR3000 (リタイア) SDMs are connected to the ports labeled SDM-C1, SDM-C2, and SDM-C3.
CR500 (リタイア)
CR5000 (リタイア) SDMs are connected to the ports labeled SDM-C1, SDM-C2, and SDM-C3.
CR510 (リタイア)
CR800 (リタイア)
CR850 (リタイア)
CR9000 (リタイア)
CR9000X (リタイア)

Mounting Equipment

製品 互換性 注意


Data Logger Considerations

Up to 16 SDM devices can be connected to a single data logger.


The SDMAO4 Instruction controls the SDM-AO4 operation in CRBasic; Instruction 103 controls the SDM-AO4 operation in Edlog.

Power Supply

It is often convenient to power the SDM-AO4 from the data logger power supply, but when doing so consideration must be given to the SDM-AO4’s 10.5 mA continuous current drain. The alkaline supply available with the data logger has 7.5 Ahr and will power one SDM-AO4 for less than one month. This supply is not recommended for continuous long-term operation. The data logger’s sealed rechargeable power supply, float charged by an ac supply or solar panel, may be used for long-term operation.

The SDM-AO4 may also be powered from an external 12 V supply, independent from the data logger supply. The low side of an external 12 V supply should be connected to data logger ground and not directly to earth grounded.

Enclosure Considerations

The SDM-AO4 requires a desiccated, non-condensing environment; a Campbell Scientific enclosure is recommended. SDM-AO4 serial numbers 2145 or higher have built-in keyhole flanges for mounting to the backplates of Campbell Scientific enclosures; the first unit to use these flanges was shipped in 18 September 1997. Grommets and screws are provided to attach the flanges/bracket to the backplate of our enclosures. Older SDM-AO4s required our 6279 SDM-AO4 Mounting Bracket (now retired) for this purpose.


北カリフォルニア: Hydro-SCADA
ユバ郡水道局 (YCWA) は、サポートされていない水文監視、制御、およびデータ収集 (hydro-SCADA) システムをアップグレードする必要がありました。監視ネットワークは、4 つのダム、複数の河川、複数の灌漑用水路、水圧管路でリアルタイム測定を提供する複数の中継局と 16 の水文局で構成されていました。これらの場所では、水位、流量、温度のさまざまな組み合わせが測定されます。 Geo-Watersheds Scientific (GWS) は、新しいシステムの設計、インストール、統合、切り替えの契約を獲得しました。GWS は、この作業を行うために Campbell Scientific のハードウェアとソフトウェアを選択しました。 既存のさまざまな水文センサー......続きを読む


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