This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: CR300,CR310.
CR295X Datalogger for GOES Satellite Communication
修理 対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 対応


The CR295X is a small, low-cost data logger that reads input from one or two sensors, then transmits the data using the GOES satellite transmitter. Multiple CR295Xs can be configured as a network, or units can be deployed individually. CRBasic, its full programming language, supports simple or complex programming and many onboard data reduction processes. It supports stand-alone operation in harsh, remote environments.



  • Small, low-cost data logger designed for use with GOES satellite transmitters
  • When combined with the TX320 GOES satellite transmitter, the CR295X can be used in extremely remote locations.
  • Ideal applications include wind energy, rural water, water level/flow, aquaculture, water quality
  • Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) protected inputs
  • Optimal for measuring one or two simple sensors
  • Makes SDI-12, single-ended analog, pulse, switch closure, and bridge measurements
  • Battery-backed clock that ensures accurate time is maintained while data logger is disconnected from battery power
  • Program with LoggerNet, PC400, or Short Cut to fit your setup
  • PakBus, Modbus, and SDI-12 protocols supported



The CR295X includes an additional RS-232 serial port that allows communications with the TX320, TX312, or SAT HDR GOES satellite transmitter. It has several input channels for measuring a variety of sensors. Gas discharge tubes provide rugged electrostatic discharge protection for the inputs.

The CR295X does not make differential measurements and is not compatible with SDM devices, multiplexers, or thermocouples. (Refer to the Compatibility information on the web page for compatible sensors, peripherals, and software.) Recalibration services are not offered for the CR295X dataloggers.


-NOTE- Note: Additional specifications are listed in the CR200X-Series Specifications Sheet.
Maximum Scan Rate 1 Hz
Analog Channels
  • The single-ended analog inputs can also be used as control ports.
  • 5 single-ended (no differential) individually configured
Pulse Count Channels 2
Switched Excitation Channels 2 voltage
Digital Ports
  • Certain digital ports can be used to count switch closures.
  • 2 I/O
Communication Ports 2 RS-232
Switched Battery Port 1
Input Voltage Range 0 to 2500 mV
Analog Voltage Accuracy ±(0.25% of reading + (1.2 mV)x(offset)) at -40° to +50°C
Analog Voltage Resolution 0.6 mV
A/D Bits 12
Operating Temperature -40° to +50°C
Power Requirements 7 to 16 Vdc
Typical Current Drain
  • ~0.2 mA (quiescent)
  • ~3 mA (active)
Clock Accuracy
  • 8.2 min./month (@ -40° to +50°C)
  • 1 min./month (@ +25°C)
Protocols Supported PakBus (leaf node only), SDI-12
Warranty 3 years
Dimensions 14.0 x 7.6 x 4.8 cm (5.5 x 3.0 x 1.9 in.)
Weight 242 g (8.5 oz)


Final Storage 512 kB of flash memory for approximately 125,000 data points
Operating System 106 kB of flash memory
Intermediate Storage 8 kB of SRAM for communication buffers, calculations, variables, etc.


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。


製品 互換性 注意
05103-45-L (リタイア)
05106-L (リタイア)
083E-L (リタイア)
092-L (リタイア)
110PV-L (リタイア)
237-L (リタイア)
CMP11-L (リタイア)
CMP6-L (リタイア)
CS215-L (リタイア)
CS300-L (リタイア)
CS410-L (リタイア)
CS460-L (リタイア)
CS470 (リタイア)
CS471 (リタイア)
CS475A-L (リタイア)
CS475-L (リタイア)
CS526-L (リタイア)
CS625 (リタイア)
CSAT3 (リタイア)
HC2S3-L (リタイア)
ICEFREE3A (リタイア)
ICEFREE3V (リタイア)
LI190SB-L (リタイア)
LI200X-L (リタイア)
OBS-3+ (リタイア)
OBS300 (リタイア)
OBS500 (リタイア)
OBS501 (リタイア)
SEN12512 (リタイア)
SR50A-L (リタイア)
WXT520 (リタイア)


製品 互換性 注意
LoggerNet Version 2.1 or higher
PC200W (リタイア)
PC400 Version 1.0 or higher
PCONNECT (リタイア) Version 3.0 or higher
PCONNECTCE (リタイア) Version 2.0 or higher
Short Cut
VISUALWEATHER Version 2.0 or higher



The CR295X is compatible with our TX320, TX312 (retired), and SAT HDR GOES (retired) satellite transmitters.

The CR295X can communicate with a PC via direct connect, NL201 Network Link Interface, NL240 Wi-Fi Network Link, MD485 multidrop modem, and digital cellular modems. Data can be viewed on an iOS device, an Android device, CD295 DataView II Display, or a user-supplied PDA. To use an iOS or Android device, go to the Apple Store or Google Play and download our LoggerLink Mobile Apps free of charge. User-supplied PDAs require either PConnect or PConnectCE software.

Measurement & Control Peripherals

Campbell Scientific’s SDM devices and multiplexers are not supported.

Power Supplies

Typical power supply is a BP12 12 Ahr or BP24 24 Ahr battery, CH100 or CH200 regulator, and an SP10 or SP20 solar panel. The CR295X includes a cable for connecting it with the satellite transmitter and power supply.


An ENC16/18 enclosure can house the CR295X logger, satellite transmitter, and power supply; smaller enclosures cannot house the power supply required for GOES communications. Hardware is included with the data logger for mounting to an enclosure backplate.


The CR295X can measure a variety of sensors including SDI-12 sensors and 4 to 20 mA sensors. It cannot make differential measurements and is not compatible with the freezing-rain/ice, fuel moisture/temperature, geographic position, present weather, soil heat flux, soil matric water potential, and strain sensors listed on our price lists.


CR200X Series OS v.04 (1.29 MB) 22-09-2015

Execution of this download installs the Operating System and Compiler on your computer for the following dataloggers:CR200X, CR206X, CR211X, CR216X and CR295X.  It also updates the support files for the CRBasic Editor.  

Note: Newer CR206X dataloggers (serial # ≥ 19122) and newer CR211X dataloggers (serial # ≥ 19143) have 250 mW radios that must use OS 3 or higher for their datalogger operating system.



CR295Xに関するよくある質問の数: 37


  1. Yes. The simplest method is to use conditional program statements that execute most of the code based on time. For example, the data could be scheduled to log at 6 a.m. and finish at 8 p.m. using CRBasic instructions such as IfTime(). Another option is to use an IfThen/EndIf construction that does a logical test of light-level measurements based on a light sensor. An additional option is to use calculated sunrise and sunset times along with a combination of RealTime() and Case instructions.

    For more information, see the “Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…” article. 

  2. Not directly. If the CS15-L is connected to a CR200(X) datalogger, the data logger can take the ac measurement and control a solid-state relay based on some threshold within the data logger program. The solid-state relay can then control other relays, solenoids, or motor starters. (Use of a solid-state relay is preferred because the data logger can trigger it with a small 5 Vdc mA signal.) For more information, see the “Measurement and Control Peripherals” section of the operator’s manual.

  3. Current data loggers compatible with the BMP5 Direct SDK are the CR200X-series, CR1000, CR3000, CR800, and CR850.

    Retired compatible data loggers include the CR10X-PB, CR23X-PB, and CR510-PB. These data loggers must have the optional PakBus operating system installed, which is available on the Downloads page of our website.

  4. If small amounts of data are transferred per transmission, it will not be a problem. Larger amounts of data can overrun buffers in the modem, causing lost data. In that situation, lower the baud rate on the data logger to avoid the issue.

  5. The CR200X-series and the retired CR200-series dataloggers are NOT compatible with SDMs or multiplexers. If more channels are needed or may be needed in the future, consider purchasing a CR800, CR850, or CR1000 instead.

  6. 技術的には、SRM-5A は CR200X シリーズ データロガーと互換性がありますが、これらのデータロガーで使用するのはより複雑です。SRM-5A を CR200X シリーズ データロガーで使用するには、SRM-5A をステーション モデムの DTE 位置に配置する必要があります。さらに、SRM-5A とデータロガーの RS-232 ポート間の接続を完了するには、ユーザー提供のアダプタとジェンダー チェンジャーが必要です。詳細については、Campbell Scientific にお問い合わせください。

  7. The internal battery is not rechargeable. In the case of low internal battery voltage, data will only be maintained as long as a power supply is connected. Collect all data from the data logger before disconnecting the power.

    The battery, a 15598, is not user replaceable. The data logger should be returned to Campbell Scientific to have the battery replaced. To request a return material authorization (RMA) number, follow the steps listed on our Repair and Calibration page.

  8. Yes. Both the RavenXTV (Verizon) and the RavenXTG (AT&T) are available.

  9. Some Campbell Scientific sensors with an RS-232 output are supported in Short Cut. Because of the large variety of serial data formats, other sensors require creating a program in the CRBasic Editor. CRBasic Editor is included in several of the purchased software packages, such as LoggerNet. For more information, see the “Interfacing Serial Sensors with Campbell Scientific Dataloggers” application note.

    Note: The CR200X-series dataloggers have very limited serial capabilities.

  10. データロガーは、CRBasic の SendVariables() または ModemCallback() 命令を使用してデータ転送を開始するようにプログラムできます。

    注意: これらの命令は CR200X オペレーティング システムではサポートされていません。




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