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CFM100 CompactFlash Module
修理 非対応
フリーサポート 対応


The CFM100 stores the data logger's data on a removable CompactFlash (CF) card. The CFM100/CF card combination can be used to expand the data logger's memory, transport data/programs from the field site(s) to the office, and upload power up functions. The module connects to the 40-pin peripheral port on a CR1000 or CR3000 datalogger.



  • Used to expand data storage of our CR1000 and CR3000 dataloggers
  • Connects to the data logger's peripheral port
  • Small, light-weight CF cards fit in your pocket for easy transport between the data logger and PC


CAD ファイル:


One Type I or Type II CF card fits into the CFM100’s card slot. Campbell Scientific offers and recommends the CFMC256M, CFMC2G, and CFMC16G CF cards (see Ordering Information). To use the CFMC16G, the data logger operating system must be OS 25 or later.

Only industrial-grade CF cards should be used with our products. Although consumer-grade cards cost less than industrial-grade cards, the consumer-grade cards are more susceptible to failure resulting in both the loss of the card and its stored data. Industrial-grade cards also function over wider temperature ranges and have longer life spans than consumer-grade cards.

Data stored on the card can be retrieved either through a communications link with the data logger or by removing the card and carrying it to a computer. The computer can read the CF card either with the computer’s PCMCIA slot and the CF1 adapter or the computer’s USB port and the 17752 Reader/Writer.

CardConvert is used to convert and save binary data from a CompactFlash card. CardConvert is included in our PC200W, PC400, LoggerNet, and RTDAQ datalogger support software.

Software Requirements

  • LoggerNet version 3.1.3 or later
  • PC400 version 1.2.1 or later

Data Logger Operating System (OS) Requirements

The CR1000 OS must be OS 4 or later. Both the CR1000 and CR3000 need OS 25 or later to read cards with more than 2 GB of storage.


Storage Capacity 256 MB, 2 GB, or 16 GB
Typical Access Speed 200 to 400 kbits s-1
Memory Configuration User selectable; ring (default) or fill-and-stop
Power Requirements 12 V supplied through the data logger’s peripheral port
CF Card Requirements Industrial-grade
Temperature Range
  • -25° to +50°C (standard)
  • -55° to +85°C (extended)
  • 10.0 x 8.3 x 6.5 cm (4.0 x 3.3 x 2.6 in.)
  • 25.2 x 10.2 x 7.1 cm (9.9 x 4.0 x 2.8 in.) of CR1000 with CFM100 attached
Weight 133 g (4.7 oz)

Typical Current Drain

RS-232 Port Active
  • 30 mA (writing to card)
  • 20 mA (reading card)
RS-232 Port Not Active
  • 20 mA (writing to card)
  • 15 mA (reading card)
Low Power Standby 700 to 800 μA


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。

Data Loggers

製品 互換性 注意
21X (リタイア)
CR10 (リタイア)
CR1000 (リタイア)
CR1000X (リタイア)
CR10X (リタイア)
CR200X (リタイア)
CR206X (リタイア)
CR211X (リタイア)
CR216X (リタイア)
CR23X (リタイア)
CR295X (リタイア)
CR300 (リタイア)
CR3000 (リタイア)
CR500 (リタイア)
CR5000 (リタイア)
CR510 (リタイア)
CR800 (リタイア)
CR850 (リタイア)
CR9000 (リタイア)
CR9000X (リタイア)

Mounting Equipment

製品 互換性 注意
ENC10/12 CR1000 に取り付けた場合互換性があります。CFM100 は、-NB オプション (バッテリなしのベース) を使用することで CR3000 と互換性があります。
ENC10/12R CR1000またはCR3000に取り付けた場合に対応します。
ENC12/14 CR1000またはCR3000に取り付けた場合に対応します。
ENC14/16 CR1000またはCR3000に取り付けた場合に対応します。
ENC16/18 Compatible when attached to the CR1000 or CR3000.
ENC24/30 Compatible when attached to the CR1000 or CR3000.
ENC24/30S Compatible when attached to the CR1000 or CR3000.


CompactFlash (CF) Cards

Campbell Scientific offers and recommends several CF cards (see Ordering tab). These cards have passed Campbell Scientific's ESD testing and operate properly with our data loggers.

Only industrial-grade CF card should be used with our products. Although consumer-grade cards cost less than industrial-grade cards, the consumer-grade cards are more susceptible to failure resulting in both the loss of the card and its stored data. Industrial-grade cards also function over wider temperature ranges and have longer life spans than consumer-grade cards.

Data Retrieval

Data stored on the card can be retrieved either through a communications link with the data logger or by removing the card and carrying it to a computer. The computer can read the CF card either with the computer's PCMCIA slot and the CF1 adapter or the computer's USB port and the 17752 Reader/Writer.

Data Logger Considerations

The CFM100 fastens onto the data logger's 40-pin peripheral port. This means that the CFM100 is only compatible with the CR1000 and CR3000. It is NOT compatible with the CR800, CR850, CR200X, CR5000, or CR9000X dataloggers.

To read cards with more than 2 GB of storage, the data logger operating system must be OS 25 or later.






CFM100に関するよくある質問の数: 20


  1. The file on the card is open until the program is stopped or the button on the device is pressed.

  2. LoggerNet collects data from the data logger first. If there is additional data on a CompactFlash card, LoggerNet collects that also. Nothing special needs to be set up in LoggerNet to have this occur.

  3. If the CardOut() or TableFile() instructions are configured as fill and stop, the data logger will stop writing data to the CompactFlash cards after they are full.

  4. When the CardOut() instruction or the TableFile() with TFOption 64 instruction is used, the data table is saved to both the data logger’s internal memory and the card.

  5. The CFM100 or NL115 is detected during the data logger boot-up cycle, that is, when it is powered on. Disconnect or connect the CFM100 or NL115 to a data logger only after power to the data logger has been disconnected. 

  6. Campbell Scientific always recommends using CF cards carried by Campbell Scientific. Although another CF card might fit and work with a CFM100 or NL115, the CF card might not be rated for the same temperature range as the CFM100 or NL115. In addition, another CF card might not have the same electrostatic discharge (ESD) immunity as the cards tested and carried by Campbell Scientific. For more detail on CF cards, see the “CF Card Information” application note.

  7. FileControl() 命令を使用すると、.dat ファイルをメモリ カードから直接取得できます。GetData() または同様の命令を使用して、標準の方法 (ダウンロード ファイルではなく、ストリーミング データとして) でデータを収集すると、内部 CPU テーブルに最も古いデータがなくなったときに返されるレコードのソースとしてメモリ カードが自動的に使用されます。これらのレコードは、レコード番号を使用するだけで取得できます。


カリフォルニア: 灌漑管理
アルファルファは水を多く必要とする作物です。カリフォルニア州の灌漑用水の 20 パーセント以上をアルファルファに使用しています。アルファルファに水をまく主な方法は湛水灌漑です。この方法では通常、大量の流出が発生し、水が無駄になり、畑の養分が水源に流れ込みます。この問題を克服するために、MBK エンジニアリング、インド工科大学、カリフォルニア大学デービス校の研究者グループは最近、湛水灌漑のより効率的な方法の開発に取り組みました。  アルファルファ畑は、低い土手によって区切られた「チェック」と呼ばれる長い湾に分割されています。各チェックは、最も高い端から水が入り、水はシート状に低い端に流れていきます。流出を防ぐために、いつ適切なタイミングで水を止めるべきかを予測するのは困難です。このプロジェクトでテストされたチェックは、長さ約 220 m (720 フィート)、幅 15 m (50 フィート) です。プロジェクトの過程で、給水を止めるタイミングを決定する現在の方法と、データロガーとセンサーを使用したより自動化された方法を比較しました。 従来の方法では、灌漑担当者が圃場に何度も出向く必要がありました。この方法の結果をテストしたところ、毎回のチェックで 6,000 ~......続きを読む





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