セルラー通信 / RAVENXTG
This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: RV50.
RAVENXTG Cellular Digital Modem for AT&T
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


Note that AT&T is actively working on discontinuing 2G service, making the RavenXTG unusable in some areas.

The RAVENXTG does not have a direct replacement. However, the LS300G offers similar functionality with a higher power consumption. 

The RavenXTG is a 2G cellular gateway for AT&T and GPRS networks. The RavenXTG has an RS-232 serial interface for configuration and deployment with Campbell Scientific data loggers and peripherals.

Internet Connectivity

The RavenXTG provides Internet connectivity to any of our data loggers located within range of a compatible cellular network. With Internet connectivity, a data logger can transmit data to, and be remotely administered by, Campbell Scientific software. The RavenXTG can also enable many data loggers to communicate using other Internet protocols, such as email and web (HTTP).

Device Intelligence

The RavenXTG is powered by Sierra Wireless’s ALEOS® embedded operating system. This allows the RavenXTG to provide highly reliable connectivity and remote device management independent of the device it is connected to. The embedded applications include IP serial server and client, local PPP host, dynamic DNS client, performance monitoring, IPsec VPN, and GRE tunneling.



  • Internet connectivity using 2G cellular networking
  • Low power consumption without sacrificing device intelligence
  • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
  • Rugged design with wide operating temperature and Class I Div 2 compliance



Before purchasing the RavenXTG, verify that your site has GPRS coverage. A coverage map is available at www.wireless.att.com/coverageviewer.

Refer to the Compatibility section for information on establishing cellular service.


Technology 2G GPRS (MS-12), quad band
Quad Bands 850/1900 MHz; 900/1800 MHz
Transmit Power
  • 1.0 W for 1900 MHz
  • 0.8 W for 850 MHz
GPRS Throughput Up to 70 kbps
RS-232 Data Rates 1200 bps to 115.2 kbps
Serial Interface RS-232, DB9-F
Serial Protocols AT Commands, PPP, SLIP, UDP, TCP
RF Antenna Connector 50 ohm SMA
Input Current Range 40 to 250 mA
Input Voltage Range 6 to 28 Vdc
Status LEDs Power, Network, Signal, Activity
Operating Humidity Range 5% to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Operating Temperature Range -30° to +65°C
Dimensions 10 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm (4 x 3 x 1 in.)
Weight < 0.5 kg (< 1 lb)

Transmit Frequency

850/1900 MHz 824 to 849 MHz and 1850 to 1910 MHz
900/1800 MHz 890 to 915 MHz and 1710 to 1785 MHz

Receiver Frequency

850/1900 MHz 869 to 894 MHz and 1930 to 1990 MHz
900/1800 MHz 935 to 960 MHz and 1805 to 1880 MHz

Typical Current Drain @ 12 Vdc

Dormant 50 mA (idle for 10 to 20 seconds)
Transmit/Receive 120 mA


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。

Data Loggers

製品 互換性 注意
21X (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTG to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR10 (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTG to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR1000 (リタイア)
CR10X (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTG to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR200X (リタイア)
CR206X (リタイア)
CR211X (リタイア)
CR216X (リタイア)
CR23X (リタイア)
CR295X (リタイア)
CR3000 (リタイア)
CR500 (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTG to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR5000 (リタイア)
CR510 (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTG to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR800 (リタイア)
CR850 (リタイア)
CR9000 (リタイア) Although the CR9000 and CR9000X are compatible, the RavenXTG does not support their fastest communication rates, and therefore may not be practical for many CR9000(X) applications.
CR9000X (リタイア) Although the CR9000 and CR9000X are compatible, the RavenXTG does not support their fastest communication rates, and therefore may not be practical for many CR9000(X) applications.

Mounting Equipment

製品 互換性 注意


Establishing Cellular Service

Either a static IP account or a dynamic IP account needs to be established. A static IP account eliminates the need for a third party Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) such as IP manager. The DDNS translates the dynamic IP address to a domain name so that the RavenXTG can be contacted as if it had a static IP address.

To setup an account, call AT&T at 1-800-331-0500 and ask for an unrestricted data account for an GPRS modem. After the account has been setup, mobile termination needs to be configured onto the account to make the modem accessible through the Internet. Typically this is done by adding I2gold APN to the account. A data account with an I2gold APN will have a Static IP address.

Please note that at one time, feature code G821 was used instead of the I2gold APN. Feature code G821 has been discontinued, and all RavenXTGs need either an I2gold APN or custom APN.

AT&T can also setup a custom APN. A custom APN may offer more efficient routing and better security for large cellular phone networks. It will take four to six weeks for AT&T to develop a custom APN and cost about $250.00.

AT&T will provide a SIMM card for each modem. In some cases the SIMM card can be picked up at a local AT&T store. The SIMM card must be installed inside of the modem (see manual).

Configuring the Modem

The RavenXTG is configured using Campbell Scientific’s Device Configuration Utility. Device Configuration Utility simplifies configuration of the modem parameters.

Alternatively, a RavenXTG that has been successfully connected to the Internet can be configured using a web browser. Using your web browser, navigate to http://your.devices.address:9191.

Data Logger Considerations

The modem connects to the data logger's RS-232 port via a 9-pin male-to-male null modem cable; Campbell Scientific offers the 18663 null modem cable (see Ordering). Alternatively, the modem can be connected the the data logger's CS I/O port, but an SC105 or SC932A interface is required.

Power Considerations

A power cable included with the modem connects to the data logger’s 12 V or switched 12 V terminal. Connection to the switched 12 V terminal allows the data logger to switch power to the modem during scheduled transmission intervals, thereby conserving power. Alternatively, the modem can be powered directly from a battery or one of our charging regulators. For help with analyzing your system’s power requirements, refer to our "Power Supply Overview" or "Power Supplies" application note.

Enclosure Considerations

A desiccated, non-condensing environment is required. The 14394 Mounting Kit includes hardware for securing the RavenXTG to an enclosure backplate (see Ordering Info).


Device Configuration Utility v.2.31 (47.0 MB) 18-12-2024

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)



RAVENXTGに関するよくある質問の数: 17


  1. Yes. The RavenXTG uses the GPRS/GSM technology, which is commonly used throughout the world.  However, be sure to check with the service providers to verify what network technology they use.

  2. AT&T’s standard Access Point Names (APN) do not allow mobile-to-mobile connections within their network.  However, a mobile device on a non-AT&T network would be able to connect to an AT&T mobile device; for instance, connect with LoggerLink on a Verizon device to a data logger with a RavenXTG.  For more details, contact Campbell Scientific.

  3. Yes. These modems have an input voltage range of 6 to 28 Vdc.

  4. Yes. Both modems connect to a data logger using an RS-232 9-pin connector for their communication.

  5. No. A dipole antenna, such as the 21831, transmits a short distance, emitting a signal 360° around the antenna plain. To transmit to a distant point, a Yagi antenna, such as the 10530, is a more appropriate option.

  6. No. A half-wave antenna may not work in the transmission area. Several antenna options, however, are available for purchase:

    • 21831 – a half-wave dipole whip antenna
    • 18285 – a dual-band, omnidirectional antenna
    • 20679 – a dual-band, omnidirectional antenna
    • 10530 – a high-gain, directional (Yagi) antenna
  7. A standard null modem cable can be used to connect a RavenXT-series modem to the data logger RS-232 port. Alternatively, an SC12 cable and an SC105 interface can be used to connect the RavenXT-series modem to the data logger CS I/O port.

  8. There are three main reasons that a data logger might lose communication over a cellular modem:

    • Loss of power
    • Physical damage
    • Network service issues

    Contact Campbell Scientific for assistance with troubleshooting.

  9. SC105 を RavenXTV または RavenXTG セルラー モデムと併用すると、2 つのデバイスが異なるボーレートで通信できるようになります。また、RF401 無線や CR1000KD ハンドヘルド ディスプレイなどの他のデバイスをデータロガーの CS I/O ポートに同時に接続することもできます。


1922 年、エジプトの王家の谷でツタンカーメンの墓がそのままの状態で発見されたとき、墓には財宝、美術品、その他の遺物が満載でした。考古学者が発見した他の墓のほとんどでは、保存専門家が保護する前に、これらの品々は盗まれたり破壊されたりしていました。ツタンカーメンの墓のほとんどの内容物はカイロの博物館に移されましたが、ミイラ、珪岩の石棺とその花崗岩の蓋、壁画は訪問者が楽しめるように現地に残されています。現在、この墓は王家の谷で最も訪問者が多い場所の 1 つです。 墓の壁はツタンカーメンの死後の世界への旅を描いた貴重な壁画で覆われているが、時が経つにつれ、絵画は劣化し始めていいます。2009年、エジプトの最高考古評議会(現在はエジプト観光考古省)とゲッティ保存研究所は、訪問者が墓の状態に与える影響を評価し、管理するための多段階計画で協力しました。主な課題は、墓の状態、毎日の訪問による悪​​影響、壁画やその他の残存遺物に対する環境リスクを理解することでした。プロジェクトの計画は、墓内のセンサーと墓の外にある気象観測所からデータを収集し、分析することでした。 当初は、墓の入り口近くに電池式の自動気象観測所が設置され、気温、相対湿度、日射量、風速と風向、降雨量など、墓所の一般的な気候を監視していました。墓の内部には、内部の気温、相対湿度、露点温度、二酸化炭素濃度などの微気候条件を監視するセンサーが設置されていました。 頻繁なデータ分析を可能にするために、携帯電話モデムとデータロガーを使用して、プロジェクトの本部であるゲッティ保存研究所のロサンゼルス事務所にデータを送信しました。その後、データはプロジェクトの Web サイトに自動的に掲載されました。   データの分析により、墓への空気の流入と流出が不足していることが、相対湿度の上昇につながっていることが分かりました。墓への頻繁な訪問者も、二酸化炭素濃度が高く、内部の気温と相対湿度が急激に変動する不安定な微気候の一因となっていました。さらに、この人気の高い場所への頻繁な訪問 (歩行者) と風により、空中に浮遊する微粒子 (ほこり) が墓内に入り込みやすくなりました。これらの要因は、今度は壁画やその他の遺物の劣化につながりました。2013 年に、プロジェクトの初期データ収集フェーズが完了した後、元のシステムは解体されました。 プロジェクトの次の段階では、ゲッティ保存研究所とエジプト観光遺跡省のメンバーがデータを分析し、この史跡の保存における訪問者と環境への影響を管理する戦略を策定しました。墓の環境条件を安定させ、ほこりの量を減らすための取り組みには、フィルター付き空気供給および排気換気システムの導入、およびインフラストラクチャの改善が含まれていました。 2016 年、フィルター付き空気供給の換気システムが設置された後、絵画やその他の工芸品の保存状態と適用された保存対策の有効性を確認するために、第 2 段階のモニタリングが開始されました。キャンベル......続きを読む




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