This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: ClimaVue 50.
WXT520 Weather Sensor
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 対応


The WXT520, manufactured by Vaisala, is a solid-state, all-in-one weather instrument that measures wind speed and direction, precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. Its small size makes it ideal for quick, short-term deployments. However, the WXT520 is not intended for weather stations that require research-grade performance.



  • Low maintenance—no moving parts significantly reduces maintenance cost and time
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Low power consumption
  • Fast and simple to install
  • Outputs an SDI-12 signal that can be measured by many of our dataloggers
  • Combines the six most essential weather parameters in one instrument



The WXT520's wind sensor consists of three equally spaced transducers that produce ultrasonic signals. Wind speed and direction are determined by measuring the time it takes for the ultrasonic signal of one transducer to travel to the other transducers.

Precipitation is measured one raindrop at a time. Whenever a raindrop hits the precipitation sensor, an electrical signal is produced that is proportional to the volume of the drop.

The WXT520 has a PTU module that contains a capacitive silicon BAROCAP sensor for barometric pressure measurements, a capacitive ceramic THERMOCAP sensor for air temperature measurements, and a capacitive thin film polymer HUMICAP sensor for relative humidity measurements. The PTU is housed in a naturally-aspirated radiation shield that protects it and reflects solar radiation.


Electromagnetic Compatibility Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1
IEC Standards IEC 60945/61000-4-4, IEC 60945/61000-4-2
Input Voltage 5 to 30 Vdc

Below 5.3 V, the measurement performance for high wind speeds may be degraded.
Typical Current Drain @ 12 Vdc
  • 0.1 mA (SDI-12 standby)
  • 3 mA (Default Measuring Intervals)
Output SDI-12
Operating Temperature Range -52° to +60°C
Storage Temperature Range -60° to +70°C
Operating Relative Humidity 0 to 100% RH
Diameter 11.5 cm (4.52 in.)
Height 23.8 cm (9.38 in.)
Weight 650 g (1.43 lb)

Air Temperature

Measurement Range -52° to +60°C
Accuracy ±0.3°C (@ +20°C)
Output Resolution 0.1°C

Barometric Pressure

Measurement Range 600 to 1100 hPa
  • ±0.5 hPa (@ 0° to 30°C)
  • ±1 hPa (@ -52° to +60°C)
Output Resolution 0.1 hPa

Relative Humidity

Measurement Range 0 to 100% RH
  • ±3% RH (@ 0 to 90% RH)
  • ±5% RH (@ 90 to 100% RH)
Output Resolution 0.1% RH

Wind Speed

Measurement Range 0 to 60 m s-1
Response Time 0.25 s
  • ±0.3 m s-1 or ±3% whichever is greater (0 to 35 m s-1)
  • ±5% (36 to 60 m s-1)

Wind Direction

Measurement Range 0° to 360°
Response Time 0.25 s
Accuracy ±3°
Output Resolution


Rainfall Measurement Cumulative accumulation after latest automatic or manual reset
Collecting Area 60 cm2 (9.3 in.2)
Output Resolution 0.01 mm (0.001 in.)
Field Accuracy for Daily Accumulation Better than 5% (weather dependent; does not include possible wind induced error)
Rain Duration Counting each 10-s increment whenever droplet detected
Rain Intensity 1-min. running average in 10-s steps
Rain Intensity Range 0 to 200 mm h-1 (broader range possible with reduced accuracy)


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。

Data Loggers

製品 互換性 注意
21X (リタイア)
CR10 (リタイア)
CR1000 (リタイア)
CR10X (リタイア)
CR200X (リタイア)
CR206X (リタイア)
CR211X (リタイア)
CR216X (リタイア)
CR23X (リタイア)
CR295X (リタイア)
CR3000 (リタイア)
CR500 (リタイア)
CR5000 (リタイア)
CR510 (リタイア)
CR800 (リタイア)
CR850 (リタイア)
CR9000 (リタイア)
CR9000X (リタイア)


製品 互換性 注意



The WXT520 is shipped with a mounting tube. The mounting tube fastens to a CM202, CM204, or CM206 crossarm via the CM220 Right Angle Mounting Bracket or 17953 1-in x 1-in NU-RAIL Fitting.

The 25299 is an optional mounting kit for the WXT520. It provides better water protection. When using the 25299, the WXT520’s IP classification is IP66; otherwise its classification is IP65. The 25299 fastens to a crossarm via the CM220 bracket or 17953 NU-RAIL fitting.

Bird Spike Kit

The 25300 Bird Spike Kit is used to discourage birds from roosting on the WXT520. This kit is fastened on top of the WXT520. It consists of a metallic band with spikes pointing upward. The spike’s shape and location ensure minimal interference of wind and rain measurements. The spikes are designed not to hurt the birds. Please note that when the kit is attached to the WXT520, more snow can accumulate on the WXT520, and the snow may melt slower.



WXT520に関するよくある質問の数: 5


  1. Campbell Scientific only supports using the WXT520 configured to our factory default settings. Other settings may produce data values that are different than the ones assumed in the provided example programs.

  2. The example programs use a scan rate of 5 seconds to coincide with the internal update rate of 5 seconds. This update interval is preconfigured at Campbell Scientific for air temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure measurements.

  3. キャリブレーション シートに含まれる情報は、センサごとに異なります。一部のセンサでは、シートにデータロガーをプログラムするために必要な係数が含まれています。その他のセンサでは、キャリブレーション シートは合格/不合格レポートです。

  4. これは、キャリブレーション シートに含まれる情報によって異なります。

    • キャリブレーション シートに係数情報が含まれている場合、Campbell Scientific はコピーを保管し、交換コピーを要求することができます。
    • キャリブレーション シートに係数が含まれていない場合、Campbell Scientific はコピーを保管しません。製造元に連絡して交換用コピーを入手できる場合があります。
  5. The unit needs to be sent to Vaisala for repair.


Pennoni 社の Intelligent Infrastructure Systems は、バーリントン - ブリストル橋の運用および構造パフォーマンスに関する情報を提供できる効率的な構造健全性監視 (SHM) システムの設計と設置を請け負いました。所有者であるバーリントン郡橋梁委員会は、その代表的な構造物を無期限に保存するという目標を掲げ、最新のセンシングおよびシミュレーション技術で従来のエンジニアリング手法を強化し、可能な限り最も情報に基づいた観点からすべての決定が行われるようにしています。 バーリントン・ブリストル橋は、デラウェア川を渡ってペンシルベニア州ブリストルとニュージャージー州バーリントン市を結ぶ、代表的な長大橋です。この橋の全長は 3,144 フィートで、540 フィートの主径間トラスが垂直に 75 フィート上昇し、大型船の通行が可能になっています。 SHM......続きを読む



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