This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: NR-LITE2-L.
Q7.1-L REBS Net Radiometer
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


The Q7.1 measured the difference between incoming and outgoing radiation. A thermopile output a voltage proportional to the temperature difference between the top and bottom surfaces of the radiometer.

Contact REBS (manufacturer of the Q7.1) for repair and recalibration: 206-624-7221




The Q7.1 measured the difference between incoming and outgoing radiation. A thermopile output a voltage proportional to the temperature difference between the top and bottom surfaces of the radiometer.

As shading and reflection represent sources of error to the net radiation measurement, the Q7.1 was typically deployed at some distance to the primary instrument mount. A simple vertical pipe affixed with a CM210 mount was recommended for this purpose.

Nominal calibration factors: 9.6 W m-2 mV-1 for positive values; 11.9 W m-2 mV-1 for negative values.


Nominal Calibration Factors
  • 9.6 W m-2 mV-1 (for positive values)
  • 11. 9 W m-2 mV-1 (for negative values)
Time Constant Approximately 30 s
Sensing Head Size 5.7 x 7.2 x 17.7 cm (2.3 x 2.8 x 7.0 in.)
Support Arm Diameter 2.0 cm (0.8 in.)
Support Arm Length 75.0 cm (29.5 in.)


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21X (リタイア)
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