セルラー通信 / RAVENXTV
This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: RV50.
RAVENXTV Cellular Digital Modem for Verizon
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


The RavenXTV is a 3G cellular gateway for Verizon Wireless. The RavenXTV has an RS-232 serial interface for configuration and deployment with Campbell Scientific data loggers and peripherals.

Internet Connectivity

The RavenXTV provides Internet connectivity to any of our data loggers located within range of a compatible cellular network. With Internet connectivity, a data logger can transmit data to, and be remotely administered by, Campbell Scientific software. The RavenXTV can also enable many data loggers to communicate using other Internet protocols, such as email and web (HTTP).

Device Intelligence

The RavenXTV is powered by Sierra Wireless’s ALEOS embedded operating system. This allows the RavenXTV to provide highly reliable connectivity and remote device management independent of the device it is connected to. The embedded applications include IP serial server and client, local PPP host, dynamic DNS client, performance monitoring, IPsec VPN, and GRE tunneling.



  • Internet connectivity using high-speed 3G cellular networking
  • Low power consumption without sacrificing device intelligence
  • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
  • Rugged design with wide operating temperature and Class I Division 2 compliance



Before purchasing the RavenXTV, verify that EV-DO / CDMA coverage is available at your site(s) by contacting Verizon. Refer to the Compatibility information on the web page regarding establishing cellular service.


Technology 3G EV-DO Rev. A (with fallback to CDMA 1x Rev. 0, CDMA 1xRTT, CDMA IS-95)
Dual Band 800 MHz Cellular, 1900 MHz PCS
Transmit Frequency 1850 to 1910 MHz and 824 to 849 MHz
Transmit Power
  • 1 W for 1900 MHz
  • 0.8 W for 850 MHz
Receiver Frequency 1930 to 1990 MHz and 869 to 894 MHz
CDMA Throughput Up to 80 kbps
RS-232 Data Rates 1200 bps to 115.2 kbps
Serial Interface RS-232, DB9-F
Serial Protocols AT Commands, PPP, SLIP, UDP/IP, TCP/IP
RF Antenna Connector 50 Ω SMA
Input Current Range 40 to 250 mA
Input Voltage Range 6 to 28 Vdc
Status LEDs Power, Network, Signal, Activity
Operating Temperature Range -30° to +65°C
Operating Humidity 5% to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Typical Current Drain
  • 50 mA (at 12 Vdc when dormant, which is idle for 10 to 20 s)
  • 120 mA (transmit/receive)
Dimensions 10 x 7.6 x 2.5 cm (4 x 3 x 1 in.)
Weight < 0.5 kg (< 1 lb)


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。

Data Loggers

製品 互換性 注意
21X (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTV to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR10 (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTV to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR1000 (リタイア)
CR10X (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTV to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR200X (リタイア)
CR206X (リタイア)
CR211X (リタイア)
CR216X (リタイア)
CR23X (リタイア)
CR295X (リタイア)
CR300 (リタイア) Use a 18663 null modem cable.
CR3000 (リタイア)
CR310 Use a 18663 null modem cable.
CR500 (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTV to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR5000 (リタイア)
CR510 (リタイア) An SC105 or SC932A is required to connect the RavenXTV to the CS I/O port of the data logger.
CR800 (リタイア)
CR850 (リタイア)
CR9000 (リタイア) Although the CR9000 is compatible, the RavenXTV does not support its fastest communication rates, and therefore may not be practical for many CR9000 applications.
CR9000X (リタイア) Although the CR9000X is compatible, the RavenXTV does not support its fastest communication rates, and therefore may not be practical for many CR9000X applications.

Mounting Equipment

製品 互換性 注意


Establishing Cellular Service

Call Verizon at 1-888-384-1775 and ask to speak to an M2M (machine-to-machine) account sales expert for the purpose of setting up either a static or dynamic IP account. A static IP account eliminates the need for a third-party Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS), such as IP manager. The DDNS translates the domain name to a dynamic IP address so that the modem can be contacted as if it had a static IP address.

When setting up the account, you will need the ESN number, which is listed on the modem’s label. You will also need to request the unrestricted IP. Verizon’s Broadband Plan is also recommended.

Configuring the Modem

The RavenXTV is configured using Campbell Scientific’s Device Configuration Utility. Device Configuration Utility simplifies configuration of the modem parameters.

Alternatively, a RavenXTV that has been successfully connected to the Internet can be configured using a web browser. Using your web browser, navigate to http://your.devices.address:9191.

Data Logger Considerations

The modem connects to the data logger's RS-232 port via a 9-pin male-to-male null modem cable; Campbell Scientific offers the 18663 null modem cable (see Ordering). Alternatively, the modem can be connected to the data logger's CS I/O port, but an SC105 or SC932A interface is required.

Power Considerations

A power cable included with the modem connects to the data logger’s 12 V or switched 12 V terminal. Connection to the switched 12 V terminal allows the data logger to switch power to the modem during scheduled transmission intervals, thereby conserving power. Alternatively, the modem can be powered directly from a battery or one of our charging regulators. For help with analyzing your system’s power requirements, refer to our "Power Supply Overview" or "Power Supplies" application note.

Enclosure Considerations

A desiccated, non-condensing environment is required. The 14394 Mounting Kit includes hardware for securing the RavenXTV to an enclosure backplate (see Ordering Info).



Device Configuration Utility v.2.31 (47.0 MB) 18-12-2024

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)



RAVENXTVに関するよくある質問の数: 15


  1. Yes. These modems have an input voltage range of 6 to 28 Vdc.

  2. Yes. Both modems connect to a data logger using an RS-232 9-pin connector for their communication.

  3. No. A dipole antenna, such as the 21831, transmits a short distance, emitting a signal 360° around the antenna plain. To transmit to a distant point, a Yagi antenna, such as the 10530, is a more appropriate option.

  4. No. A half-wave antenna may not work in the transmission area. Several antenna options, however, are available for purchase:

    • 21831 – a half-wave dipole whip antenna
    • 18285 – a dual-band, omnidirectional antenna
    • 20679 – a dual-band, omnidirectional antenna
    • 10530 – a high-gain, directional (Yagi) antenna
  5. A standard null modem cable can be used to connect a RavenXT-series modem to the data logger RS-232 port. Alternatively, an SC12 cable and an SC105 interface can be used to connect the RavenXT-series modem to the data logger CS I/O port.

  6. There are three main reasons that a data logger might lose communication over a cellular modem:

    • Loss of power
    • Physical damage
    • Network service issues

    Contact Campbell Scientific for assistance with troubleshooting.

  7. SC105 を RavenXTV または RavenXTG セルラー モデムと併用すると、2 つのデバイスが異なるボーレートで通信できるようになります。また、RF401 無線や CR1000KD ハンドヘルド ディスプレイなどの他のデバイスをデータロガーの CS I/O ポートに同時に接続することもできます。

  8. For the data logger to transfer data via FTP, the modem has to be set up to use a PPP connection between it and the data logger.

  9. Yes. Both the RavenXTV (Verizon) and the RavenXTG (AT&T) are available.


ペンシルバニア州: 洪水警報
洪水は、世界中で自然災害による死亡原因の第 1 位であり、20 世紀には 680 万人が死亡しました。* 今日、人口増加の加速と土地利用パターンの変化により、人類は洪水に対してより脆弱になっています。* 幸いなことに、水位を測定し、その値をリアルタイムで伝達する能力はかつてないほど向上しています。このケース スタディでは、川の水位を監視し、電子メール、Twitter、Web ページを通じて意思決定者に警告を送信する Campbell Scientific システムについて説明します。 スクーカル川は長さ約 130 マイルで、ペンシルベニア州中部および東部に......続きを読む
アーカンソー州: 洪水警報
アーカンソー州ホット スプリングスは、ホット スプリングス国立公園に隣接する歴史豊かな都市です。この都市は山岳地帯、レクリエーション用の水路、45 を超える温泉に恵まれています。ホット スプリングス クリークは、町の中心部に湧き水を供給しています。1884 年にクリークは囲われ、クリークの上のアーチは現在、セントラル アベニューの土台となっています。周囲の山々は急峻な起伏があり、非多孔質の岩盤が広く露出しています。この水文学、地形、地質の組み合わせにより、都市のインフラストラクチャ、特にセントラル アベニューは、マイクロバースト降雨イベント時に洪水に非常に脆弱になっています。 2008 年以来、ホット スプリングス市は USGS アーカンソー水科学センターと協力し、同センターの洪水警報情報システムの維持と運用に取り組んでいます。このシステムは、市当局、緊急対応要員、地域の国立気象局事務所にタイムリーな洪水情報を提供する役割を果たしています。適切な警告があれば、急流救助隊を準備し、洪水が発生しやすい道路を封鎖し、低地の公共エリアから避難させることができます。 アーカンソー水科学センターは、ホット スプリングス市と年間契約を結び、システムの保守を行っています。USGS は、すべての機器を保守し、機能を検証し、流量モデルと水位と流量の関係を維持するために必要な流量測定を実施しています。 2013......続きを読む




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