This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: RF401A,RF407.
RF401 900 MHz Spread-Spectrum Radio
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


The RF401 has a 910 to 918 MHz operating frequency range, which is used in the US and Canada. This 100 mW spread-spectrum radio can transmit data to another RF401 radio, an RF430 radio, a CR206(X) datalogger, or an AVW206 vibrating-wire interface.

The RF401 supports point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communications. It can serve as a field modem/radio while connected to the data logger or as a base station modem/radio while connected to a computer. The radio can also serve as a stand-alone RF router/repeater.



  • Rugged, low-cost transceivers
  • Can be used in the field as a transceiver or in the office as the base station
  • Individual FCC license not required
  • Transmits up to one mile with omnidirectional antenna; up to 10 miles with higher gain directional antennas at ideal conditions
  • Settings stored in non-volatile memory
  • Frequency-hops over 25 channels avoids interference from other spread spectrum radios
  • Optional extended temperature testing
  • Faster communication due to elimination of some small "link state packets"
  • Ability to have stand-alone RF router/repeaters (up to 8 repeaters)
  • Greater immunity to interference and RF collisions by using RF retries
  • Reduced power consumption by the data logger, as the radios perform "packet address filtering"
  • Designed for use in PakBus networks
  • Built-in setup menus allow access to advanced functionality



The RF401 reduces susceptibility to RF interference from other spread spectrum devices by providing user-selectable frequency hopping patterns. Spread spectrum radios spread the normally narrowband information signal over a relatively wide band of frequencies. This process allows communications to be more immune to noise and interference from RF sources such as pagers and cellular phones.


Operating Frequency 910 to 918 MHz
Type Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) Transceiver
RS-232 Baud Rate 38.4K, 19.2K, 9600, 4800, or 1200 bps
Channel Capacity 65,000 Network Identifiers share 25 hop channels.
Frequency Hopping Patterns Six different selectable patterns
Frequency Control Direct FM
Receiver Sensitivity -110 dBm at 10-4 bit error rate (Campbell Scientific protocols will issue retries wherever a bit error occurs.)
Interference Rejection 70 dB at pager and cellular phone frequencies
Transmitter Power Output 100 mW (nominal)
Antenna Connector Reverse polarity SMA
Power 9 to 16 Vdc
LEDs Power on, TX, RX, diagnostics
RS-232 Connector 9-pin “D” female (4 wire: Tx, Rx, CTS, GND)
CS I/O Connector 9-pin “D” male

Newer data loggers supply power to the RF401 radio on this connector. Data loggers purchased before December 1997 require the pn 14291 Field Power Cable.
Power Connector Barrel plug, center positive 12 V (used to connect the 14291 Field Power Cable)
Standard Operating Temperature Range -25° to +50°C
Extended Operating Temperature Range -55° to +85°C

The push button that allows you to check/edit programmable settings while the radio is connected to a computer may not operate at temperatures colder than -25°C.
Dimensions 11.4 x 7.0 x 2.9 cm (4.9 x 2.8 x 1.2 in.)
Weight 227 g (8 oz)

Average Current Drain

Standby < 1 mA (power-saving options used)
Receiving 24 mA
Transmitting < 75 mA


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。

Data Loggers

製品 互換性 注意
21X (リタイア)
CR10 (リタイア)
CR1000 (リタイア)
CR1000X (リタイア)
CR10X (リタイア)
CR200X (リタイア)
CR206X (リタイア)
CR211X (リタイア)
CR216X (リタイア)
CR23X (リタイア)
CR295X (リタイア)
CR300 (リタイア)
CR3000 (リタイア)
CR500 (リタイア)
CR5000 (リタイア)
CR510 (リタイア)
CR800 (リタイア)
CR850 (リタイア)
CR9000 (リタイア) Although the CR9000 and CR9000X are compatible, the RF401 radios do not support their fastest communication rates, and are therefore not practical for many CR9000(X) applications.
CR9000X (リタイア) Although the CR9000 and CR9000X are compatible, the RF401 radios do not support their fastest communication rates, and are therefore not practical for many CR9000(X) applications.

Mounting Equipment

製品 互換性 注意



Internal Radio of CR206(X) Dataloggers

The RF401 spread spectrum radio can communicate with the internal spread spectrum radio of our CR206(X) dataloggers. Certain RF401 settings must match the CR206(X) settings for communications between the radio and data logger to be successful. The factory default settings of these devices may not match; therefore, they may need to be reconfigured before communications can take place. For more information, refer to the Quick Reference Guide for Setting Up RF401-to-CR206 Communication application note

Other Spread-Spectrum Radios

The RF401 can be used in networks containing RF430 and RF400 radios. When RF401 radios are used in networks containing RF400 radios, the Protocol must be set to Transparent. Also, if RF400 and RF401 radios will be in the same RF proximity, do not use 28, 44, 52, 56, or 60 for the RF400 Net Address. RF400 radios with Net Addresses of 28, 44, 52, and 56 interfere with RF401 radios with Net Addresses of 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The RF400 Net Address of 60 interferes with all RF401 Net Addresses.

Campbell Scientific does not recommend using the RF401 in networks containing FGR-115 or RF450 radios.

Transparent and PakBus Protocols

Do not mix RF401 radios set to the Transparent protocol with RF401 or RF430 radios set to either of the PakBus protocols, since this will produce RF traffic without any RF communications. However radios with the PakBus Aware and PakBus Node settings can coexist in the same network (i.e., some radios set to PakBus Aware and some radios set to PakBus Node).

Enclosure Considerations

A desiccated, non-condensing environment is required. The 14162 Mounting Kit includes hardware for securing the RF401 to an enclosure backplate (see Ordering Info).


RF401 Series OS v.04 (646 KB) 14-08-2008

Current RF401, RF411, RF416 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility.



RF401に関するよくある質問の数: 13


  1. For the RF401, there is not a Status table similar to that for a data logger, but some statistical information can be retrieved via terminal mode.

  2. No. For high-frequency data applications, Campbell Scientific recommends using the RF450.

  3. No. The RF401 only transmits at the 100 mW level. If additional power is needed, a directional antenna or a high-gain omnidirectional antenna can be used to increase the effective output of the system.

  4. Campbell Scientific continues to provide the RF400 to RF401 upgrade as a service. There is a minor upgrade (pn 18206) and a major upgrade (pn 18207). As the RF401 is now retired, however, it may be a better investment to forego the upgrade and purchase a new, higher output, 250 mW RF401A radio instead. No upgrade service is available to convert an RF400 or RF401 to an RF401A. 

  5. The functions of the RF401-series and RF400-series are essentially the same when using the transparent protocol with mixed-array data logger operating systems. The biggest change is the addition of two new protocol options in the RF401: PB Aware and PB Node. These new protocol options make the radio easier to use in a PakBus network.

  6. To achieve the same characteristics and performance of an original RF401, order the major RF400 to RF401 upgrade service (pn 18207). 

  7. No. They do not use the same over-the-air communications protocol. In fact, unless extra steps are taken, the two models will cause interference with each other.

  8. Yes. The LoggerNet software provides RTMC, an HMI software. The CR10X can be provided with a Modbus communications protocol or PakBus. Both will work very well and are commonly used in SCADA systems. With the Modbus protocol, the CR10X can interface with existing software, and/or existing PLCs.


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2012 年 8 月、RESPEC は、ルイジアナ州ナポレオンビル岩塩ドームの西側斜面で発生しつつある陥没穴に現場計測機器と早期警報監視サービスを提供する契約を締結しました。地下深くの塩水洞窟で構造的な亀裂が発生し、周囲の堆積物が洞窟に流れ込み、地表に陥没穴ができ、かき乱された堆積物からガスが放出されました。時間が経つにつれて、陥没穴は 40 エーカー以上に拡大し、最大深度では 400 フィートを超えました。 RESPEC のエンジニアは、発生しつつある陥没穴の周囲の傾斜と水位を継続的に監視するために、リアルタイムの早期警告システムを導入しました。陥没穴は沿岸のヒノキ沼地にあるため、監視システムは過酷な条件 (例: 猛暑、極度の湿度、ハリケーン、大雨、昆虫) で最小限のメンテナンスで稼働する必要がありました。このシステムは、Campbell Scientific のデータ......続きを読む
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埋立地には、臭気制御から地下水の質に至るまで、多くの環境上の課題があります。現場の状況を継続的かつ正確に監視することで、埋立地管理者がこれらの課題に対処する際に使用できるデータが得られます。 ペンシルバニア州の埋立地管理者は、地域社会への影響を最小限に抑えながら業務を最適化するために気象データを収集して分析しています。Campbell Scientific のコンサルタント兼インテグレーターである Ambient Air Quality Service (AAQS) は、ペンシルバニア州に複数の埋立地監視場所を設置し、維持しています。 埋立地モニタリングAAQS は、ペンシルベニア州テイラーの Waste Management Alliance 埋立地に 3......続きを読む

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