This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: RF452.
RF450 900 MHz 1 W Spread-Spectrum Radio
修理 対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 対応


The RF450 is a frequency-hopping, spread-spectrum radio that operates within the 902 to 928 MHz license-free band. This 1 W radio provides a solution for wireless network communications over longer distances (13 to 60 miles, depending on antenna and line-of sight). Designed specifically for our PakBus® data loggers, the RF450 works particularly well in point-to-multipoint PakBus networks.



  • Individual FCC license not required
  • Maximum transmission distance of 60 miles, and realistic reliable transmission distance of approximately 13 miles
  • Low current drain
  • Wide operating temperature range
  • High data transfer speeds
  • High noise immunity—superior performance in noise congested environments
  • Error Free Communications—32 bit Cyclical Redundancy Checking (CRC) with automatic retransmission
  • Ability to have stand-alone RF router/repeaters (up to 8 repeaters)
  • Real time remote diagnostics and setup, transparent to network communications



The RF450 consists of a radio module manufactured by FreeWave Technologies and a Campbell Scientific interface board. It reduces susceptibility to RF interference from other spread spectrum devices by providing user-selectable frequency hopping patterns.

Spread spectrum radios spread the normally narrowband information signal over a relatively wide band of frequencies. This process allows communications to be more immune to noise and interference from RF sources such as pagers and cellular phones.


Operating Frequency 902 to 928 MHz
Radio Type Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) Transceiver
FCC ID KNY-6231812519
Canada ID 2329B-DGR09RAS
Power Output 5 mW to 1 W (user selectable)
Transmit Range Maximum transmission distance of 60 miles, and realistic reliable transmission distance of ~13 miles. (All transmission distances assume line-of-sight and appropriate antenna; line-of-sight obstructions, RF interference, and antenna type affect transmission distance.)
Modulation 120 or 170 kbps (GFSK)
Occupied Bandwidth 230 kHz (at 60 dB)
Channel Spacing 230 kHz
Hopping Patterns 15 per band, 105 total (user selectable)
Hopping Channels 50 to 112 (user selectable)
Hopping Bands 7 (user selectable)
Frequency Zones 16 (7 channels per zone)
Receiver Sensitivity
  • -108 dBm (for 10-6 BER)
  • -110 dBm (for 10-4 BER)
Receiver Selectivity
  • -20 dB (at Fc ±115 kHz;)
  • -60 dB (at Fc ±145 kHz)
System Gain 140 dB
Error Detection 32-bit CRC (retransmit on error)
Data Encryption Substitution, dynamic key
Link Throughput 115.2 kbps (maximum)
Data Interface Protocol CS I/O, RS-232, DCE, ME and SDC (user selectable)
RS-232 Baud Rate 1200, 4800, 9600, 19.2k, 34.4k, 57.6k, or 115.2k bps (user selectable)
RS-232 Connector 9-pin D socket (female) (4 wire: Tx, Rx, CTS, GND)
CS I/O Connector 9-pin D pin (male) (Newer data loggers provide power to the radio on the CS I/O connector; data loggers purchased before December 1997 require the #14291 Field Power Cable.)
Antenna Connector Type SMA socket (female)
Power Connector Barrel plug, center positive 12 V (used to connect the 14291 Field Power Cable or 15966 AC adapter)
Input Voltage 7 to 28 Vdc
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +75°C
Relative Humidity 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)
  • 3.66 x 8.05 x 14.48 cm (1.44 x 3.17 x 5.7 in.) without mounting plate
  • 3.66 x 8.05 x 19.05 cm (1.44 x 3.17 x 7.5 in.) with mounting plate
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lb)

Average Current Drain @ 12 Vdc

Sleep 7 mA
Idle 22 mA
Receiving 76 mA
Transmitting 500 mA


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。

Data Loggers

製品 互換性 注意
CR1000 (リタイア)
CR200X (リタイア) The internal radio of the CR200X-series dataloggers should not be used with the RF450.
CR206X (リタイア) The internal radio of the CR200X-series dataloggers should not be used with the RF450.
CR211X (リタイア) The internal radio of the CR200X-series dataloggers should not be used with the RF450.
CR216X (リタイア) The internal radio of the CR200X-series dataloggers should not be used with the RF450.
CR295X (リタイア) The internal radio of the CR200X-series dataloggers should not be used with the RF450.
CR3000 (リタイア)
CR5000 (リタイア) The RF450 does not support a connection with more than one CR5000 or CR9000X datalogger, because the host RF450 radio does not support slave switchable addressing and our CR5000 and CR9000X dataloggers do not have PakBus routing protocol.
CR800 (リタイア)
CR850 (リタイア)
CR9000X (リタイア) The RF450 does not support a connection with more than one CR5000 or CR9000X datalogger, because the host RF450 radio does not support slave switchable addressing and our CR5000 and CR9000X dataloggers do not have PakBus routing protocol.

Although the CR9000X is compatible, the RF450 does not support its fastest communication rates, and therefore may not be practical for many CR9000X applications.

Mounting Equipment

製品 互換性 注意


Other Spread-Spectrum Radios

The RF450 can be used in networks containing FGR-115 radios. Campbell Scientific does not recommend using the RF450 with our RF401-series radios or RF430-series radios.

Enclosure Considerations

A desiccated, non-condensing environment is required. The RF450 includes built-in keyhole flanges for mounting to the backplate of a Campbell Scientific enclosure.



RF450 OS v.02 (415 KB) 31-07-2013

Current RF450 firmware. The Device Configuration Utility is used to update the firmware in the RF450.


Device Configuration Utility v.2.32 (47.7 MB) 19-03-2025

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)



RF450に関するよくある質問の数: 6


  1. サードパーティのメーカーからは、キャビティ型およびノッチ型のフィルタが多数提供されています。

  2. No. They do not use the same over-the-air communications protocol. In fact, unless extra steps are taken, the two models will cause interference with each other.

  3. Yes. This type of connection is called a PakBus network. The intermediate CR1000 needs to be enabled as a router, and a suitable telemetry link needs to exist between the two CR1000 dataloggers.

  4. アンテナの選択は複数の基準によって決まります。

    • 特定のステーションが通信する必要があるステーションの数を考慮してください。 1 つのリピーターまたはベース ステーションとのみ通信するリモート ステーションの場合、指向性アンテナまたは八木アンテナが適切な選択肢となる可能性があります。 対照的に、さまざまな場所からデータを受信するリピーター ステーションでは、全方向性アンテナが必要になる可能性があります。
    • 2 点間の経路を越えるには高利得アンテナが必要かどうかを検討してください。高利得アンテナはより大きく、より高価になります。

    アンテナの選択と設置場所の配置を支援するために、デモ キットをレンタルして使用し、経路の品質をテストすることを検討してください。Campbell Scientific は、RF401、RF430、CR206X、AVW206 用の 900 MHz デモ キットと、RF450 用のデモ キットを提供しています。サポートについては、Campbell Scientific にお問い合わせください。


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