This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: SDM-IO16A.
SDM-IO16 16-Channel Input/Output Module
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 対応


The SDM-IO16 expands the digital input and output channel count of Campbell Scientific data loggers.



  • Provides 16 digital I/O ports
  • When configured as an input, each port can monitor logic state, count pulses, measure signal frequency, and determine duty cycle



The SDM-IO16 expands the digital input and/or output capability of Campbell Scientific data loggers. When a port is configured as an input, each port can monitor logic state, count pulses, measure signal frequency, and determine duty cycle. An option in the pulse counting mode enables switch debounce filtering, allowing the SDM-IO16 to accurately count switch closures. The SDM-IO16 can also be programmed to send an interrupt signal to the data logger when one or more input signals change state.

When configured as an output, each port can be set to 0 or 5 V by the data logger. A boost circuit allows an output that is set HI to source a current of up to 100 mA (at a reduced output voltage) for controlling external devices such as low voltage valves or relays.

Up to 15 SDM-IO16 modules can be addressed allowing up to 240 ports to be controlled by the data logger.

Data Logger Connection

The SDM Jumper Wire Kit (pn 32505) connects up to four SDMs to the data logger. This kit is recommended when multiple SDMs are connected to one data logger or for extremely short distances between the SDM and data logger. The CABLE5CBL-L cable is recommended for connecting a single SDM to the data logger, and for longer distances between the SDM and data logger.


Function Expands the digital input and/or output capability of a data logger.
Number of Channels 16
Operating Temperature -25° to +50°C
SDM & I/O Port 0/5 V logic level ports (for connecting to the datal ogger’s control/SDM ports)
EMC Status Complies with EN 61326:1997.
Operating Voltage 12 Vdc (nominal 9 to 18 V)
Minimum Frequency 0 Hz is reported if there are less than two high-to-low signal transitions in the measurement interval.
Minimum Pulse Width 244 μs
Default Switch Debounce Timing Input and ground must remain closed for 3.17 ms then remain open for 3.17 ms to be counted as a closure.
Internal Clock Accuracy ±0.01%, worst case (-25° to +50°C)
Maximum Pulse Measurement Interval 15.9375 s
Dimensions 23.0 x 10.0 x 2.4 cm (9 x 4 x 1 in.)
Weight 350 g (12 oz)

Maximum Frequency (with 50/50 duty cycle)

Switch Debounce-Mode Turned Off 2.0 kHz on all channels simultaneously
Default Switch Debounce-Mode Enabled 150 Hz on all channels

Current Drain

-NOTE- Current consumption is roughly proportional to input signal frequency and number of ports used. Current drawn from any output must be added to the quiescent level to obtain the total current drain.
Typical Standby 600 µA (all ports high, no load, excludes pulse counting)
Maximum 3 µA (active with all 16 ports counting pulses at 2 kHz and no output load)


ON/HI Voltage (no load)
  • 5 V (nominal)
  • 4.5 V (minimum)
OFF/LO Voltage (no load)
  • 0 V (nominal)
  • 0.1 V (maximum)
Sink Current Output will sink 8.6 mA from a 5 V source.
Source Current
  • 42 mA (@ 3 V)
  • 133 mA short-circuited to ground


  • 4.0 V minimum threshold (high)
  • 1.0 V maximum threshold (low)
Protection Input clamped at -0.6 V and ±5.6 V relative to ground (via a 33 Ω resistor to withstand a continuous current flow of 200 mA)
Source Current
  • Output will source 42 mA at 3 V.
  • 133 mA short-circuited to ground
Impedance Biased to +5 V relative to ground (by a 100 kohm resistor)


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。

Data Loggers

製品 互換性 注意
21X (リタイア) Output only
CR10 (リタイア) Output only
CR1000 (リタイア)
CR1000X (リタイア)
CR10X (リタイア) OS 1.17 or later
CR200X (リタイア)
CR206X (リタイア)
CR211X (リタイア)
CR216X (リタイア)
CR23X (リタイア) OS 1.14 or later
CR295X (リタイア)
CR300 (リタイア)
CR3000 (リタイア) For the CR3000, SDMs are connected to the ports labeled SDM-C1, SDM-C2, and SDM-C3.
CR500 (リタイア)
CR5000 (リタイア) For the CR5000, SDMs are connected to the ports labeled SDM-C1, SDM-C2, and SDM-C3.
CR510 (リタイア)
CR800 (リタイア)
CR850 (リタイア)
CR9000 (リタイア)
CR9000X (リタイア)

Mounting Equipment

製品 互換性 注意

Distributed Data Acquisition

製品 互換性 注意
Granite 10
Granite 6
Granite 9


Software Requirements

Support for all the functions requires CRBasic’s SDMIO16 instruction or Edlog’s Instruction 188. Instruction 188 is available in Edlog templates that post date March 2002. (LoggerNet version 2.1 contains this template.) Edlog templates that predate March 2002 can support only the output mode using Instruction 104. The SDMCD16AC instruction supports only the output mode in CRBasic.

Power Considerations

In input mode, the power consumption varies from 3 to 600 microamps depending on the mode and input frequencies. The data logger's rechargeable power supply can often power the SDM-IO16 in these pulse counting or status input applications.

However, when the SDM-IO16 is used in an output mode and is driving significant loads, an external power supply is recommended.

Enclosure Considerations

The SDM-IO16 requires a desiccated, non-condensing environment; a Campbell Scientific enclosure is recommended. An integral mounting bracket, grommets, and screws attach the SDM-IO16 to the backplate of a Campbell Scientific enclosure.

Sensor Cabling

This cabling is typically sold as a part of the sensors. If cabling is not provided, you can use our 9922 two-conductor cable (see Ordering Info). When the distance between the data logger and the SDM-IO16 are significant, verify that the sensor cable has adequate resistance/capacitance specifications. Also, avoid sensors with completion resistors in their pigtails; it's preferable to have the completion resistors at the data logger.


SDM-IO16に関するよくある質問の数: 1

  1. Both of these are SDM devices. Each SDM device that is connected to a data logger needs a different SDM address (that is, 0 through 15). All SDM devices connect to the CR1000’s 12V, G, C1, C2, or C3 terminals. Up to 15 SDM devices can be connected to one data logger.

    For more information, see the Synchronous Devices for Measurement (SDMs) page


デニス・クエイタンスがノースカロライナ州グリーンズボロにプロキシミティ ホテルを建設することを決めたとき、彼はホテルの設計が環境品質の業界基準を上回ることを望んでいました。また、プロキシミティの日常の運営が、同様のホテルと比較してエネルギー消費の削減を反映したものになることを望んでいました。 環境に配慮したホテルを建設するというアイデアは、挑戦的なものでした。ホテルは、エネルギーと水の使用量を減らし、継続的にコスト削減策を採用しながら、毎日何百人ものゲストや訪問者に高級感を提供し続けることができるのでしょうか? この課題を解決するために、Adams Environmental Systems のサービスが採用されました。Adams Environmental は、空気の質の監視、太陽エネルギー、建物の構造に関する専門知識を活用して、ホテルの持続可能な取り組みの多くを統合し、包括的なリアルタイム データを提供するための広範な監視システムを設計および設置しました。この監視システムは、隣接するレストランを含むホテルの敷地全体に広がっています。 気象ステーション - 屋外の気温と湿度を測定します。 BTUメーター - 施設の屋根のソーラーパネルシステムで使用され、入浴、調理、洗濯用の太陽熱温水の生成を監視します。 二酸化炭素、空気温度、湿度センサー - 施設内のさまざまな部屋の室内空気の質を監視します。データロガーと通信周辺機器を使用して、部屋の二酸化炭素レベルが事前に設定されたレベルに達するとアラームがトリガーされます。 熱、煙、その他の排出物センサー......続きを読む

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