This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: CR300,CR310.
CR205 Datalogger with 915-MHz Spread-Spectrum Radio
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


In September 2005, the CR205 Datalogger was replaced by the CR206 Datalogger. The CR206 has improved communication capability. The CR205 can be used within a CR206(X) network, but the CR206(X) needs to be in the transparent mode. Contact one of our application engineers for details.


  • Ideal where only a few sensors will be measured
  • On-board 12 Vdc lead acid battery charger
  • Stores 32,000 data points (nonvolatile)
  • Data format is table-based



A/D Converter 12 bit
Scan Rate Once per second (maximum)
Single-Ended Analog Channels 5 (individually configured)
Analog Voltage Range 0 to +2500 mV
Measurement Resolution 0.6 mV
Excitation Channels 2 (programmable for either +2.5 or +5 volts)
Switched Battery Port 1
Pulse Count Channels 2
Control Ports 2
Battery Voltage Range 7 to 16 Vdc
Communications RS-232


注意: 以下は代表的な互換性情報を示しています。互換性のある製品や互換性のない製品をすべて網羅したリストではありません。


製品 互換性 注意
05103-45-L (リタイア)
05106-L (リタイア)
110PV-L (リタイア)
237-L (リタイア)
CMP11-L (リタイア)
CMP6-L (リタイア)
CS15-L (リタイア)
CS215-L (リタイア)
CS300-L (リタイア)
CS410-L (リタイア)
CS431-L (リタイア)
CS450-L (リタイア)
CS455-L (リタイア)
CS460-L (リタイア)
CS470 (リタイア)
CS471 (リタイア)
CS475A-L (リタイア)
CS475-L (リタイア)
CS525-L (リタイア)
CS625 (リタイア)
CSAT3 (リタイア)
HMP45C-L (リタイア)
LI190SB-L (リタイア)
LI200X-L (リタイア)
OBS-3+ (リタイア)
OBS300 (リタイア)
SEN12512 (リタイア)
SR50A-L (リタイア)
WXT520 (リタイア)


製品 互換性 注意
LoggerNet Version 2.1 or higher
PC200W (リタイア)
PC400 Version 1.0 or higher
PCONNECT (リタイア) Version 3.0 or higher
PCONNECTCE (リタイア) Version 2.0 or higher
Short Cut
VISUALWEATHER Version 2 or higher



The CR205's internal spread spectrum radio can transmit data to other CR205 loggers or RF400 radios. It can also communicate with CR206(X) loggers, RF401 radios, or RF430 radios if they are set to the transparent mode. Certain CR205 settings must match the radio's settings for communications between the data logger and radio to be successful. The factory default settings of these devices might not match; therefore, they may need to be reconfigured before communications can take place. 

The CR205 can communicate with a PC via direct connect, NL100 Ethernet interface, MD485 multidrop modem, and digital cellular modems. Data can be viewed on the CD295 DataView II display, Archer-PCon Field PC, or a user-supplied PDA (PConnect or PConnectCE software required).

Measurement & Control Peripherals

The CR205 is not compatible with SDM devices and multiplexers.


The CR205 can measure a variety of sensors including SDI-12 sensors and 4 to 20 mA sensors. It cannot make differential measurements and is not compatible with the freezing-rain/ice, fuel moisture/temperature, geographic position, present weather, soil heat flux, soil matric water potential, and strain sensors listed on our price lists.


Applications with minimal power requirements can use the ENC200 enclosure to house the data logger and the #16869 sealed rechargeable battery. The ENC200 cannot house a barometer or a battery that is larger than the #16869. However, an ENC10/12 or ENC12/14 enclosure is adequate for most CR205-based systems.

Power Supplies

The CR205 uses an external power supply and has a built-in regulator. When connected to the on-board charging circuit, the sealed rechargeable battery should be 7 Ahr or smaller. Using larger batteries with the data logger's built-in charger may result in excessive PC board heating. This is especially a concern when the battery is deeply discharged or failing with a shorted cell. Campbell Scientific also recommends that solar panels be 10 W or less and wall chargers be 1 A or smaller.



CR200 MODBUS OS v.10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Special operating system that supports ModBus communication and SDI-12 sensors .  Also included is the Compiler and CRBasic Editor support files for the CR2xx dataloggers.

Use of this file will update the datalogger compiler and CRBasic Editor support files.

Note: Not to be used with the CR200X series.

Includes: MODBUS Instructions, SDI12Sensor, WindVector
Excludes: GOES Instructions, SerialInput, ETO, SendData, & LoggerIdentify

CR200 Serial Input OS v.10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Special operating system that supports serial sensors, SDI-12 sensors, and sending data to another PakBus device.  Also included is the Compiler and CRBasic Editor support files for the CR2xx dataloggers.

Use of this file will update the datalogger compiler and CRBasic Editor support files.

Includes: SerialInput, SendData, SDI12Sensor, WindVector
Excludes: GOES Instructions, ETo, MODBUS Instructions, LoggerIdentify

Device Configuration Utility v.2.31 (47.0 MB) 18-12-2024

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)


Short Cut v.4.6 (32.6 MB) 02-10-2024

Short Cut creates simple programs for our CR200-series, CR300-series, CR510, CR500, CR10(X), 21X, CR23X, CR6, CR800, CR1000(X), CR1000Xe, CR3000, CR5000, CR9000X and GRANITE dataloggers. Both mixed array and table data operating systems are supported. Short Cut also supports our ET106, ET107 and MetData1 weather stations. The newest version includes the latest sensor files.


CR200 Default OS v.10 (1.97 MB) 08-09-2010

Default operating system loaded into the datalogger at the factory.  Also included is the Compiler and CRBasic Editor support files for the CR2xx dataloggers.

Use of this file will update the datalogger compiler and CRBasic Editor support files.

Includes: ETo, WindVector, LoggerIdentify
Excludes: GOES Instructions, SDI12Sensor, SerialInput, MODBUS Instructions, SendData



CR205に関するよくある質問の数: 3


  1. The CR200X-series and the retired CR200-series dataloggers are NOT compatible with SDMs or multiplexers. If more channels are needed or may be needed in the future, consider purchasing a CR800, CR850, or CR1000 instead.

  2. The CR200-series datalogger is unique in that it does not have an on-board program compiler like other Campbell Scientific data loggers. This means that the CRBasic file (*.cr2) must be compiled on the computer first, and then the compiled binary file (*.bin) must be sent to the data logger. When a program is created in CRBasic, the last step is to compile the file and, therefore, create the program BIN file.

    It is very important that the compiler used to generate the BIN file match the operating system version in the data logger. If a BIN file is sent to the data logger and the compiled version does not match the current OS, the program send will fail and an "Incorrect OS Version" message will be displayed. 

    To help avoid issues with OS version mismatch, if the CR2 file is chosen as the file to download to the data logger, LoggerNet version 2.1b and greater will first query the data logger for its OS version and then attempt to find the matching compiler in the LoggerNet program files directory (by default, this is C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet). If the matching compiler exists, LoggerNet will compile the file and send that file to the data logger. Note that if the *.bin file is chosen, LoggerNet will not compile the file before sending it.

    The software CD that is shipped with each CR200-series datalogger contains the appropriate compiler for the data logger OS. Copy this file into the LoggerNet program files directory so that it is available for use by LoggerNet. In CRBasic, select this file as the compiler to be used when compiling CR2 files from the Options | Supported Loggers menu item.

  3. 実用的な最大値は、データロガーの 2 つのCターミナルごとに 1 つのマルチプレクサを接続することです。Cターミナルをマルチプレクサ間で共有して、接続するマルチプレクサの数を増やすことができます。ただし、ターミナルを共有するには、より複雑な配線とプログラミングが必要です。2 つのCターミナルごとに 1 つ以上のマルチプレクサを接続したいユーザーは、Campbell Scientific の営業またはサポート エンジニアに問い合わせて支援を受けることをお勧めします。


ユタ州: 警報付き水質監視システム
ダック クリーク システムは、7 つの監視サイト (タンク 2 つ、塩素処理施設 2 つ、ポンプ ステーション 1 つ、ブースター ポンプ 1 つ、PRV......続きを読む
ポールスボ海洋科学センターは、ピュージェット湾の西側、リバティ湾にある非営利の教育施設です。センターは、湾内のブイに気象ステーションと水質監視ステーションを提供、統合、設置するために、エレクトロニック データ ソリューションズと契約しました。気象ステーションのセンサーは、Campbell Scientific CR10 データロガーに配線されており、このデータロガーは大型カラー モニター付きの PC に接続されています。PC は特別なCampbell Scientific社のソフトウェアを実行し、データをグラフ形式と表形式の両方で表示します。 ブイはソーラーパネルで電力を供給され、Campbell Scientific CR205 データロガー/トランスミッターを備えています。データは CR205......続きを読む

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